The Motel

Jul 30, 2006 03:12

The van grinds to a halt in the motel’s car park, and Sands is out of it almost before it’s stopped moving, staggering as his feet hit the ground. The sandy, dusty, still considerably deserty ground.

His scowl deepens and, rubbing at his sore wrists, he heads towards the motel. Whether anyone follows him or not is of no concern.

santino, minivan, mal, oom, random

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not_one_drop July 30 2006, 02:28:31 UTC
Mal stops just inside the door, turning to face Sands.

"I found you."

Soft, and wondering.


rigthegames July 30 2006, 02:35:23 UTC
He’d dropped down onto the bed immediately, not even bothering to kick off his shoes as his eyes shut.

But they open again at that, and he offers her a faint smile.

“Didn’t think you would?”

It’s almost not a question.


not_one_drop July 30 2006, 02:36:48 UTC
"I guess - no."


"You okay?"


rigthegames July 30 2006, 02:41:51 UTC
“I’m tired. I’m sore. I got dragged through worlds by a crazy old man, and then spent three days tied to a chair.”

He pauses, and then sits back up, peering around the room.

“Where’s the booze?”


not_one_drop July 30 2006, 02:44:58 UTC
"Sorry. Don't have any."

Digs a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket and tosses them at Sands, then goes to sit next to him.


rigthegames July 30 2006, 02:48:53 UTC

He flips it open, takes one out, and lights it in one smooth movement.

“Three fucking days without nicotine,” he mutters around the cigarette as he smokes it down to the filter as quickly as is humanly possible.


not_one_drop July 30 2006, 02:50:49 UTC
"That's got to suck."

Sprawls backwards on the bed.

"Missed you, y'know."


rigthegames July 30 2006, 02:53:56 UTC
“It wasn’t exactly a walk in the park.”

First cigarette gone, he lights another, and eyes Mal.



not_one_drop July 30 2006, 02:56:45 UTC
"I don't know."

Eyes shut, voice low and lazy.

"Guess I'd gotten used to you."


rigthegames July 30 2006, 03:00:18 UTC
“Mm. Took me for granted.”

He smiles faintly, lying back down and blowing smoke at the ceiling.

Nobody ever taught Sands not to smoke in bed.


not_one_drop July 30 2006, 03:04:14 UTC
"Stupid of me."

Lightly, vaguely waving her hand.

It's not her fault that she puts her hand down somewhere around his knee.


rigthegames July 30 2006, 03:06:33 UTC
And it’s certainly not Sands’ fault if his hand should cover her own.

“Very,” he agrees absently.

Another drag, another slow exhalation.


not_one_drop July 30 2006, 03:09:18 UTC
Her hand curls upward just a little. Holding.



rigthegames July 30 2006, 03:13:06 UTC
“I didn’t think you’d find me.”

His tone is as light as one discussing the weather, but Mal may be able to feel the slightest hint of pressure as his fingers wrap around hers- just a little.


not_one_drop July 30 2006, 03:17:46 UTC
Just a little.

"Neither did I."


rigthegames July 30 2006, 03:19:54 UTC
He snorts with laughter.

“Clearly we underestimated Random.”


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