joint plotting meme is a go!

Oct 05, 2011 16:36

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allaroughdraft October 6 2011, 01:14:16 UTC
Nick Andros (silentmovielife): Is going to go away and roadtrip with Aurora for a while, but probably not until after the Disney plot. He'll be back in a month or so, but his wanderlust is getting pretty bad. I am up for plotting, but it probably won't be till after the trip that I get him involved in anything.

Remus Lupin (askthemoon): Is still just kind of drifting along, hanging out and going with the flow and taking an extremely Wizarding world approach to getting whatever he needs (ie, if you can Confund them into helping you or get around their security, help yourself, with some charms left as "payment"), which could possibly cause some conflict if he tried it with the wrong person I suppose. I don't really have many plans.

Peter Burke (burkethejerk): Is currently still riding on a high from having his wife. You would think it would have worn off after a month, but it really hasn't. Other than that, I need to get him involved in the Wanderer police force, because it will give him something to do with his life. That's my only plan at the moment.

Abby Eddings (handswillwork): ( ... )


nosecretmeaning October 6 2011, 01:39:46 UTC
Just a note: Abby and Neal have probably met. I don't know if I've said this before or not but the crime family are Neal's contacts, so yeah. They've probably met.


allaroughdraft October 6 2011, 01:46:32 UTC
I don't think it was specifically mentioned but I figured as much. <3


nosecretmeaning October 6 2011, 01:50:08 UTC
Okay, shiny! :D


EMILY iluvroadrunner6 October 6 2011, 01:36:25 UTC

I don't really have a lot of big plots going on right now. I'm always open to throwing my people into things, but here's where I'm ... kind of at right now.

Charlie (thelightofgrace) and Bela (enjoythe_ride) are dealing with Elizabeth and Josef's deaths. Charlie's more on the emotional side -- Elizabeth was a friend -- and he's going to be spending a lot of time in churches, keeping an eye on Sarah when he can, and trying not to let his meds run out. Bela, on the other hand, is shoving herself into the Society stuff. She's currently mid-thread with Damon about that, but she also needs to talk to her guardian at some point. Apparently she's done too good a job of not letting people know where her connections are. Good girl.

Flack (and_dontgetcute) is still looking on getting his police force off the ground, and he needs to make more friends. If you have a cop muse, or law enforcement of any variety, please feel free to come poke at him. He's friendly that way. He also would love to cook for people, so we'll see what happens there.

Sophie (wereall_addicts) needs to ( ... )


Re: EMILY nosecretmeaning October 6 2011, 01:43:36 UTC
Sara has obviously been helping El plan the Harvest and Halloween parties for the Kashtta. >>


Re: EMILY iluvroadrunner6 October 6 2011, 01:45:27 UTC
Yes. She's been El's personal assistant, and running all the errands.


Re: EMILY descendent October 6 2011, 01:50:49 UTC
Can I just say how I love Bela becoming a part of that plot? BECAUSE I LOVE BELA BECOMING A PART OF THAT PLOT. She and John can have that conversation, and they'll both likely walk out of it with headaches. GOOD TIMES. :D

I kind of want to throw Jo at Flack. Because I did so in a meme, I think, and it was a lot of fun. Not the cop-type, but it might stil lbe fun.

Sophie just needs to be adopted by the Crowbar, okay. I NEED THEM TO GET INTO WORLDS OF TROUBLE.

We also need to have some doom-y plot involving Looney High, which Buffy could save the day in. :3


ALLI daredtobelieve October 6 2011, 02:15:30 UTC
Helen Magnus daredtobelieve -- She's got a job at the high school now and has been settling back into the swing of things in Chicago. I feel like Helen won't go much longer without wanting to start up a Sanctuary in Chicago. She just doesn't feel complete without it, truly.


Re: ALLI allaroughdraft October 6 2011, 02:34:00 UTC
ONE DAY I will get around to throwing Remus at Helen.

... Also possibly other people because Heleeeeeen. :D But definitely him. Him and probably Abby. --I could see Abby getting affiliated with the Sanctuary if Helen starts one, actually. Offering her help whenever she thinks an Angel of Healing could be useful, if nothing else.


Re: ALLI daredtobelieve October 6 2011, 02:41:20 UTC
I love both of the plans :D gimmie gimmie gimmie


Re: ALLI nosecretmeaning October 6 2011, 03:32:49 UTC
I still want Helen to meet Theta and I definitely want more Helen/Aurora interaction because I really, really enjoyed that for some reason.

And I should throw a couple of my other kids at her.

OMG I WANT TO TRY AND GET NEAL TO WORK AT HER SANCTUARY! I don't even know WHY or what he would DO I just feel like that would be awesome.


imwotchingyou October 6 2011, 02:25:16 UTC
Tonks (imwotchingyou), is opening her own small detective agency, Order Investigations. She has a small office space. I have the narrative half-written I'm just a procrastinator.

She's also dating Doyle, yeah.

I have no current plots for her but I wouldn't mind any and all kinds!


allaroughdraft October 6 2011, 02:35:01 UTC
Remus and Tonks should have a thread again. I am low on specifics, but. He will probably come poke around her detective agency when she opens it, or something. XD


imwotchingyou October 6 2011, 04:38:36 UTC
Okay! That'll be fun.


Rizzy's New'Uns smokeclears October 6 2011, 03:50:21 UTC
jrkle;a. AUGH OKAY. So apparently you kill one character and bring in 2-3 more. IDEK. IDEK HOW THIS WORKS.

Anyway. >>"

smokeclears = Noah Evans. He is a guardian. He is very smart, very into science. Senior in high school. He has been best friends with Rachel since kindergarten, and he found out when he turned sixteen that she was his ward, but he has not told her that at all. AHEM. Noah is one of those guardians that really embraces it (unlike David though it's still something that's a big part of who David is, he's just trying to run from it) so he is very protective of other people, will take care of them above all to the extent that he sometimes loses his own self/personality in taking care of others.

SO He is the caretaker sort of character that is good for those that need that kind of person in their life. He's also very responsible, kind of a stickler for rules. :x It'd be funny if someone could convince him to be less so for a night or something but I hold no hope for that.

edgeofhorizons = Jess Ryan. She is a Glays, and she has a tendency to ( ... )


Re: Rizzy's New'Uns askthemoon October 6 2011, 04:07:26 UTC

... I want to throw Abby at all of them. I DON'T KNOW, I just do.

And I kind of want Peter to meet Noah. Even though he is kind of awkward with teenagers. Possibly because of that. XD But, I don't know, they seem like they'd have compatable personalities?

I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE, BUT THERE WILL BE MORE. Becasue CR with you is good and I will always take more of it. :D


Re: Rizzy's New'Uns smokeclears October 6 2011, 06:19:01 UTC

BAW, please do! They are ickle teenagers who need all the supportive older type ones.

I think that Peter and Noah would get along really, really well actually, because I do get the sense they'd be kind of compatible personality wise. Noah doesn't really come off as a teenager most of the time, I think. :x

YAY. I WANT MORE. CR with you is also good and I'd also always love more of it. :33333


starryeyed_cass October 9 2011, 17:53:08 UTC
I definitely want to throw Scarlett at both Jess and Seth. They might be able to get on. I don't even know how. Scarlett would probably like Jess for her independence.

I think Seth's now distant relationship with his Dad might be something Scarlett will be able to relate to. Her own relationship with her parents is poor and even though she lives with her dad, she's very distant from him now. So yeah, maybe they'd be able to get along well?

She'd probably the wrong kind of guidance they'd need. :\

She would also be the sort to lead Noah astray for a night. :x COME TO THE DARK SIDE, NOAH. WE HAVE VODKA.


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