joint plotting meme is a go!

Oct 05, 2011 16:36

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EMILY iluvroadrunner6 October 6 2011, 01:36:25 UTC

I don't really have a lot of big plots going on right now. I'm always open to throwing my people into things, but here's where I'm ... kind of at right now.

Charlie (thelightofgrace) and Bela (enjoythe_ride) are dealing with Elizabeth and Josef's deaths. Charlie's more on the emotional side -- Elizabeth was a friend -- and he's going to be spending a lot of time in churches, keeping an eye on Sarah when he can, and trying not to let his meds run out. Bela, on the other hand, is shoving herself into the Society stuff. She's currently mid-thread with Damon about that, but she also needs to talk to her guardian at some point. Apparently she's done too good a job of not letting people know where her connections are. Good girl.

Flack (and_dontgetcute) is still looking on getting his police force off the ground, and he needs to make more friends. If you have a cop muse, or law enforcement of any variety, please feel free to come poke at him. He's friendly that way. He also would love to cook for people, so we'll see what happens there.

Sophie (wereall_addicts) needs to ( ... )


Re: EMILY nosecretmeaning October 6 2011, 01:43:36 UTC
Sara has obviously been helping El plan the Harvest and Halloween parties for the Kashtta. >>


Re: EMILY iluvroadrunner6 October 6 2011, 01:45:27 UTC
Yes. She's been El's personal assistant, and running all the errands.


Re: EMILY descendent October 6 2011, 01:50:49 UTC
Can I just say how I love Bela becoming a part of that plot? BECAUSE I LOVE BELA BECOMING A PART OF THAT PLOT. She and John can have that conversation, and they'll both likely walk out of it with headaches. GOOD TIMES. :D

I kind of want to throw Jo at Flack. Because I did so in a meme, I think, and it was a lot of fun. Not the cop-type, but it might stil lbe fun.

Sophie just needs to be adopted by the Crowbar, okay. I NEED THEM TO GET INTO WORLDS OF TROUBLE.

We also need to have some doom-y plot involving Looney High, which Buffy could save the day in. :3


Re: EMILY iluvroadrunner6 October 6 2011, 02:33:36 UTC
LOL See, John? She told you she was going to be more trouble than she was worth.

YES. Throw Jo at Flack. That should be fun for the both of them.

I am pro-this adoption plan.

I am also for this plan as well. Buffy needs to get her hero on sooner or later.


Re: EMILY allaroughdraft October 6 2011, 02:32:15 UTC
Peter needs to be thrown at Flack, because getting him involved in the police force would be a good idea. I keep meaning to do this, I just kind of fail. XD It will happen eventually.

Other than that I have nothing specific, but I've enjoyed the various CR so far. :D


Re: EMILY iluvroadrunner6 October 6 2011, 02:35:01 UTC
I am definitely for this Peter and Flack plan. They both need to just be normal NY cops.

And I'm glad you've been enjoying it! I think there's definitely going to be more Cas thrown at Peter too, because he needs to talk to everyone.


smithnjones October 6 2011, 03:35:27 UTC
jrek;lajkrlea I ALSO LOVE Bela getting into this whole plot with Damon. Damon will need it, because he does not really have people skills and the Crowbar don't like him in the least. >>" And it's a little mutual. FWAH Charlie. ;; /HUGS HIM. <3

Imma tag him with Lucky even if Lucky doesn't have time to do cop work on top of everything else he has to do. However, they could share/exchange information kind of with each other, which would be good for them both. :x Possibly. ALSO, more Martha with Flack. ;;

SOPHIE. Should so be adopted by the Crowbar. Sonny and her will have to thread. :x A

I really want there to be big things happening in the HS because there are so many characters going to school AND working at the school. :333 AND I definitely have a couple of teens in need of guidance, the problem is getting them to... admit to that and take guidance. :x 8|


iluvroadrunner6 October 6 2011, 03:43:29 UTC
Bela will be his Crowbar liason. Which amuses me because Bela's people skills are only marginally better than Damon's.

YES. I definitely want more Martha and Flack, and I want more CR with Lucky, period, so yes. This all works for me.

WELL, Sophie was telling Lena about her past art stealing conquests, so. Something productive could come out of that other than Sophie just bragging.

Admitting is the first step. Buffy knows these steps very well.


smokeclears October 6 2011, 06:07:28 UTC
It really amuses me too. XD Their working together in general is really amusing to me, because they flirt like they do and because it's just... hilarious to me. :x

YAY. I am all for this too then. :333 It'll be fun.

Oooh! There you go! Easy way to get involved, and with everything he has going on with the Society, he could really need all the help ever. The other cases haven't really stopped rolling in on top of that stuff.

Baw, Buffy. ;_;


starryeyed_cass October 9 2011, 17:46:36 UTC
I think Buffy and Cassie could be really good friends. I'm really enjoying their current thread. They could just be all for the normality and girly things! :3

Also, Capa and Sophie still need to meet. They could go looking for Parker? bawww ;__;

And we have already talked about Crowley and his almighty trolling of Bela and Cas. YAY.


iluvroadrunner6 October 9 2011, 19:02:22 UTC
I am so for Buffy and Cassie. I've been trying to find someone else to throw at her that's not Cas, because otherwise ... Cas will monopolize all her CR, I just could never figure out who. And Buffy just works.

And YES on Capa and Sophie looking for Parker. They do need to meet and try and figure out where she got off to.

Yes, we did, and I'm SO EXCITED.


starryeyed_cass October 9 2011, 19:28:29 UTC
Lmfao, this is true. :x Also Cas can't appreciate retail therapy as much as Buffy can. skjdfh

But yes, yay for Buffy! :3

YES. Exactly. /nod nod

ksadhfjaksdhfjkasdh IT WILL BE THE BEST THING EVER. \o/


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