
Aug 01, 2006 02:09

This is an awesomely bad fan fic that my friend Ashley and I wrote for our friend Amanda. Her 17th birthday just happened to be on July 31st so we had to do this.

If you're going to read this...please know it's a joke. It's meant to make fun of all those horrid fan fics that you find over at babb_chronicles. So yes ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

batbogeys August 1 2006, 07:18:22 UTC


asweetescape August 1 2006, 07:19:21 UTC
If anyone does read this and doesn't think it's a joke then I just might lol really loud.

I mean Ashley and Hot!Goyle are going to get married anyway but whateva!!!!


stillxmyxheart August 1 2006, 07:32:36 UTC
OMG. I just read the whole thing. I feel like crying from the badness, but OMG so funny! I love how the grammar and everything got worse as it went on. And the whole rainbow thing from their foreheads is what did me in... OMG.

Classic. Classic! So funny. I have to use this icon, because I never get to. But srsly, that was awesome.


rictusempra__ August 1 2006, 14:05:40 UTC
::gives you cookies::

Yay! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'd like to say it was difficult to write, but...no, it wasn't. It was, however, quite fun!

Thanks for not taking it seriously. :) We were worried people would be like...omg those people can't write for shit.


medici August 1 2006, 21:09:36 UTC
If someone takes this seriously (especially after all the warnings) they need to have their head examined.

Even though I would totally believe that Amanda Fookmedanrad is totally Amanda Potter. Totally. For totally.


medici August 1 2006, 21:06:29 UTC
Oh my god, that is so off canon. We're no longer LJ friends. See if you get my birthday notification.


But seriously. OH MY GOD CAITLIN (AND ASHLEY!)! That was hilarious. I was laughing through the entire thing. The sorting hat's transfer stufent song to Britney Spears ... Albus making out with McGoogles and K. Fed. "Horizant Alley? Do they have a Tiffany's?"

This really did make my evening. Maybe even tomorrow, too! Oh, god, hilarious!

ps. popozao~**~**~*~


fearfulwarrior August 1 2006, 22:45:44 UTC
HAHAHAHA!!! This fic made me late for work today, but it was totally worth it. XD


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