u didn't see anything wrong with jason? I swear to god, if after he finishes his 10 months of rehab, you're expectiing him to go back to doing all that shit with you and chris again, thats totally fucked up. don't you think you owe it to jason to respect his desicion to get help and not to let him fuck up agian. he your friend why in hell would you want to do that to him? think about it dude.
i said he didnt kno his limits but please, who doesnt do drugs and have fun. He wont be a fuckin saint ANd i wont push him 2 do shit, but REALLY think about it, hes gonna be 18 and on his own, and he doesnt consider pot a drug, i kno that for a fact. Ill chill with him no matter wut, but hes been 2 rehab before and i dont think im crazy for saying the things i did.
all i know is the night before jay's parents decided to send him away... was the scariest night ever and i never want to see jay like that again. i thought he was going to be fucked up for life.
regular: Customary, usual, or normal. I guess regular is in the eye of the beholder, but who wants to be normal again anyways. I dont want to know your definition of the word saint or a good time. If you seriously believe you were a positive influence on him and you think you are "friends", think again, he spent his last night with you and now hes gone again, think that over. Theres nothing wrong with him it's with you and your stupid "good times". Im glad you allotted one entry so people dont have to look for this waste of internet space, it's sitting here in one menial little pile of crap
saying there's nothing wrong with jay is probably the stupidest comment ever, and from someone thinking they know so much. he actually spent his last night with me, so i'll take offense to that... people do drugs on THEIR OWN so don't be blaming other people for his own doings. no of course rich and i weren't a positive influence on jay and his drug habits... but like that would stop him? if someone is addicted to drugs then there is something wrong with them and they need help. people doing drugs and not going overboard is what rich means by a "good time". you're a moron.
wutever, you are so obviously wrong i wont even begin to lash out at you. In your small warped head you think me and chris forced jay to do the things he did, which is 100% wrong. We all had so many more things in commmon, only one being the obvious. I am willing to bet if you knew him and were friends with him, you were one of those assholes that i have no respect for that abandoned him because he was someone you didnt wanna be asociated with or "a waste of life", "hopeless" all that bullshit. So rather than attempting to assault us, how about you stop hiding behind your anonymous and have a regular conversation. If you disagree with me and wut i said thats fine, but dont start trouble when your so wrong.
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