Bisexual, but not quite 50/50. It's more of a whoever-I'm-in-love-with sexual. Gender is just not a criteria. Hell, not smoking is much more of a requirement than gender.
I decided to pick female since I've never asked for gender neutral pronouns and it's not a big issue in my life, but I'm pretty genderqueer; I think mentally I tick a lot of the 'male' boxes, but I've never been interested in having a sex change, or disregarding my feminine side. Idk, I don't really think gender matters. Uh, which is why I also ticked pansexual.
Sometimes I think I am pansexual, and it's only coincidental that I've only been romantically attracted to women in my life so far. But idk. Defining shit is hard, I wish society weren't so reliant on easy labels :(
I figure pansexual because it's not just that I have loved both men and women, but because I can go out to a club and get it on with a beautiful, sultry young woman and have all my friends tell me she's biologically male and just not care. I'm interested in so much more than genitalia (though I am, of course, very interested in that~~~) and I love girly boys and butch girls and androgynous beauties. I love humans! (and Time Lords, I suppose.)
Female, female-leaning bisexual. My coworkers keep trying to hook me up with a nice young man, and while I like guys, and am flattered by attention from guys, the thought of dating one just makes me feel apathetic. The coworkers haven't been pushy or anything, but at some point I'll probably need to tell them to be on the look-out for nice young women instead.
I have often thought about whether or not I should just classify myself as heterosexual... but then I realize that (aside from the fact that I don't particularly care about classifications like gender and sexual preference) my first serious relationship was with a girl (first kiss too :P) and I'm just as attracted to females as I am to males. I think part of it has to do with the fact that I've only had one same-sex relationship. I don't have a hugely distinct preference, I just have more experience with guys.
Comments 97
Clearly our love is never meant to be.
...also lol time lords. God, Greenie, you are so Jack. ♥
I have often thought about whether or not I should just classify myself as heterosexual... but then I realize that (aside from the fact that I don't particularly care about classifications like gender and sexual preference) my first serious relationship was with a girl (first kiss too :P) and I'm just as attracted to females as I am to males. I think part of it has to do with the fact that I've only had one same-sex relationship. I don't have a hugely distinct preference, I just have more experience with guys.
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