They're Finally Here! (Voting Opens)

Feb 28, 2008 07:55

It's time to vote!

Before I explain how this year's polls work, I want to explain why we went with the format we did. After talking to a number of people, and many many discussions between us, we decided to go with a totally blind poll. We believe this to be the fairest and most stress-free method of voting for all involved, nominees, voters, and mods alike. We did not want the ability to witness an inaccurate tally, in real time, to influence anyone's voting.

However, comments are screened, so if you have a question or complaint with how we're voting this year, please leave a comment.


Our format has changed quite a bit. There are no radio boxes this year; instead, in the poll for each category, please type the two digit letter id for your vote into the text-entry box. There is one separate poll for each category, rather than one long poll for all of fic and all of art. Please be sure to read the subject of the poll before voting to ensure that you are voting for the category you want.

Voting is open to anyone who wishes to participate. However, those without Livejournals will be unable to vote in the polls themselves. We request that if you do not have a Livejournal, please leave your votes in a screened comment, or email them to the mods at

Please do not create a Livejournal simply in order to vote in the polls. It is probable that journals created in that way will be mistaken as sock-journals and their votes discarded. We don't want to miss any legitimate votes, so please help us help you.

We hope to have the winners revealed no later than March 27th, and most likely before that.

Note: All Fic and Artwork indicated with a ** is rated R or highter and may require a password to view. They are all, of course, NSFW.

Outstanding One-Shot Nominees

Aa: Above A Lake of Fire ** - shyshutterbug
Ab: All Along - by FinallyWork
Ac: Beautiful - by shocolate
Ad: Best Laid Plans ** - by femmenerd
Ae: Broken Quill - by RedLightSpecial
Af: Cryptograph - by maple_mahogany
Ag: Fate - by daisymaeevans
Ah: Forward Motion ** - by tehgiantsquid
Ai: Girl Child - by exartemarte
Aj: I Want Everything - by Alloy
Ak: Knight Takes Queen - by Jaguar Weasley
Al: Little White Ones - by Mizaya
Am: Lover’s Crossroads - by KJCP
An: Mirror Messages - by therethere55
Ao: Moments In Love - by Dogstar101
Ap: Practice - by Saris
Aq: Rubbish - by She’s A Star
Ar: Stronger Than Me - by risiepookie
As: That Moves The World - by magentabear
At: The Good Sleep Better - honey_wheeler
Au: The Palest Ink - by miss_daizy
Av: Turbulence - by belovedranger

Outstanding Multi-Chapter Nominees

Ba: All’s Well That Ends Well ** - by Amidala69
Bb: Darkness Rising - by Ferox
Bc: Gift of the Magi - by Spiderwort
Bd: Midnight Confessions ** - by Alloy
Be: Missing - by pigwithhair
Bf: More Than Memories ** - by BlueRain
Bg: Never Enough ** - by evanesco75
Bh: Rush ** - by queenb23more
Bi: Sorting Out The Boys - by mkwmkw
Bj: To Come Home Again - by Sweetiepie1019
Bk: Together Forever - by thesteppyone
Bl: Twelve Fail-Safe Ways - by Michellypie
Bm: Wake Me ** - by risiepookie
Bn: Without Walls ** - by soltice_muse

Outstanding Romance Nominees

Ca: Balance ** - by modestyrabnott
Cb: Beautiful - by shocolate
Cc: Cryptograph - by maple_mahogany
Cd: Fate - by daisymaeevans
Ce: Forward Motion ** - by tehgiantsquid
Cf: Fraternizing With The Enemy - by shyshutterbug
Cg: Is The Moment? - by belovedranger
Ch: Lover’s Crossroads - by KJCP
Ci: More Than An Epilogue ** - by TomBombadil
Cj: Never Enough ** - by evanesco75
Ck: Remember Me - by Clara86
Cl: Rush ** - by queenb23more
Cm: That Moves The World - by magentabear
Cn: The Language of Women - by Sunshyndaisies
Co: The Pursuit - by MagEd
Cp: Together Forever - by thesteppyone
Cq: Twelve Fail-Safe Ways - by Michellypie

Outstanding Angst Nominees

Da: Above A Lake of Fire ** - shyshutterbug
Db: All’s Well That Ends Well ** - by Amidala69
Dc: By My Side - by thesteppyone
Dd: Deliver Me ** - by Ronnabe
De: Dropping The Act - by Gwen1170
Df: Epilogues, Part III ** - by Grimmrook
Dg: If A Man Answers ** - risiepookie
Dh: Little White Ones - by Mizaya
Di: Lover’s Crossroads - by KJCP
Dj: Magic - daysandweeks
Dk: May the Moon and Sunlight Seem - by Lirazel
Dl: More Than Memories ** - by BlueRain
Dm: Never Enough ** - by evanesco75
Dn: Out In The Open - by pili204
Do: The Choice - by Documatrix
Dp: Thin Blue Lines ** - by Coconut
Dq: Without Walls ** - by soltice_muse

Outstanding Humor Nominees

Ea: Armaments - by Cranston
Eb: Having Another Go - by risiepookie
Ec: Highway Code - by Shewhoguards
Ed: Last Testament - by Alloy
Ee: Matching Socks ** - by soltice_muse
Ef: Mischief Managed - by fizette
Eg: Old Mother Hubbard - by attilatehbun
Eh: Once, Twice, Three Times a Baby - by shocolate
Ei: Planning to Fail - by Estatica
Ej: Save The World - by thesteppyone
Ek: Sorting Out The Boys - by mkwmkw
El: Sparks - by msmoocow
Em: The Language of Women - by Sunshyndaisies
En: Twelve Fail-Safe Ways - by Michellypie

Outstanding Tearjerker Nominees

Fa: A Pain Worse Than Any Other - by willow_wand
Fb: Above A Lake of Fire ** - shyshutterbug
Fc: Alexia - by mad_maudlin
Fd: And Every Man His Father and Mother - by sezzie_dee
Fe: Awaiting Rose's Owl - by Twirlingecho
Ff: Bounds and Leaps - by Potterhead37
Fg: Family Ties: Adjustments - by AuthoressMegz
Fh: If A Man Answers ** - risiepookie
Fi: Lover’s Crossroads - by KJCP
Fj: May the Moon and Sunlight Seem - by Lirazel
Fk: Never Enough ** - by evanesco75
Fl: Remember Me - by Clara86
Fm: Waiting - by shiiki
Fn: Waiting In Line - by thesteppyone

Outstanding Kiss Nominees

Ga: Cryptograph - by maple_mahogany
Gb: Diary of Jane - by ronhermione33
Gc: Lover’s Crossroads - by KJCP
Gd: Never Enough ** - by evanesco75
Ge: Old Mother Hubbard - by attilatehbun
Gf: Out In The Open - by pili204
Gg: Take It Back - by Alloy
Gh: That Moves The World - by magentabear
Gi: Transitions ** - by Rosepddle
Gj: Turbulence - by belovedranger
Gk: Understanding - by ozma_katiebell
Gl: Up A Tree - by shocolate

Outstanding Alternate Universe Nominees

Ha: Bend in The Road - by Natmoe1
Hb: By My Side - by thesteppyone
Hc: Cryptograph - by maple_mahogany
Hd: Deliver Me ** - by Ronnabe
He: Family Ties: Adjustments - by AuthoressMegz
Hf: Fate - by daisymaeevans
Hg: He Wasn’t ** - by Phoenixfeather47
Hh: Louder Than Words ** - by solstice_muse
Hi: More Than Memories ** - by BlueRain
Hj: Never Enough ** - by evanesco75
Hk: Owner of the Lonely Heart ** - by Kami-Angel
Hl: Remember Me - by Clara86
Hm: Through The Mirror ** - by femmenerd

Outstanding Missing Moment Nominees

Ia: A Man Possessed - by Gwen1170
Ib: Above A Lake of Fire ** - shyshutterbug
Ic: An Interlude Before War - by fireworkfiasco
Id: Back To Shell Cottage - by Mizaya
Ie: Beginnings - by Higginszoo
If: Hermione, At Home - by HelenH
Ig: How Much You Mean To Me - by Squiddy11
Ih: Stronger Than Me - by risiepookie
Ii: To Hear Him Call - by Gilly
Ij: Together Forever - by thesteppyone
Ik: True Love Never Did - by Realmer06
Il: Twelve Fail-Safe Ways - by Michellypie
Im: Weeks And Weeks - by Ravensgryff
In: Warmth - by pigwithhair

Outstanding Post-DH Nominees

Ja: After The Flaw - by kanedax
Jb: All In The Name of Science ** - by Leviathan
Jc: Awaiting Rose's Owl - by Twirlingecho
Jd: Christmas Surprises - by hpchickadee
Je: Forward Motion ** - by tehgiantsquid
Jf: Girl Child - by exartemarte
Jg: Highway Code - by Shewhoguards
Jh: May the Moon and Sunlight Seem - by Lirazel
Ji: Remembering and Forgetting ** - by redsiodaslair
Jj: Remorse - by Sunshyndaisies
Jk: Summer Holidays - by penknife
Jl: Transitions ** - by Rosepddle
Jm: True Love Never Did - by Realmer06
Jn: Twelve Fail-Safe Ways - by Michellypie
Jo: Twilight and Daybreak - by MadisonMarie
Jp: Home Invader - by ichthyosaur
Jq: What Dreams May Come ** - by JenLiz

Outstanding Most Intriguing Plot Nominees

Ka: A Second Chance At Happiness - by malvernrob
Kb: All’s Well That Ends Well ** - by Amidala69
Kc: Cryptograph - by maple_mahogany
Kd: Deliver Me ** - by Ronnabe
Ke: Duplicity - by Gilly
Kf: Forward Motion ** - by tehgiantsquid
Kg: Heroes - by redsiodaslair
Kh: It's Harry I'm Planning To Marry - by shocolate
Ki: Never Enough ** - by evanesco75
Kj: Remember Me - by Clara86
Kk: Searching - by thesteppyone
Kl: The Heiress ** - by Heronmy_Weasley
Km: Through The Mirror ** - by femmenerd
Kn: Wake Me ** - by risiepookie

Outstanding PWP Nominees

La: DIY ** - by thesteppyone
Lb: Duet ** - pigwithhair
Lc: Graduation Day (and Night) ** - by JenLiz
Ld: Live Bed Show ** - by solstice_muse
Le: Red Circles and Black Xs ** - by inell
Lf: Tension ** - by abusing_sarcasm
Lg: Things They Should Have Taught Us In School ** - by stoney321
Lh: Turbulence - by belovedranger

Outstanding Adult Nominees

Ma: Above A Lake of Fire ** - shyshutterbug
Mb: Forward Motion ** - by tehgiantsquid
Mc: If A Man Answers ** - risiepookie
Md: Live Bed Show ** - by solstice_muse
Me: Never Enough ** - by evanesco75
Mf: Perception Isn't Everything ** - by BrandedFaithfully
Mg: Practice Makes Perfect ** - by inell
Mh: Strange Bedfellows ** - by Mizaya
Mi: The Right Time ** - by snorkackcatcher
Mj: Through The Mirror ** - by femmenerd
Mk: Transitions ** - by Rosepddle
Ml: Turbulence - by belovedranger

Outstanding Drabble Nominees

Na: At Home - by pigwithhair
Nb: Emotional - by shocolate
Nc: Enough - by Ronownsmysoul
Nd: Goodbyes - by willow_wand
Ne: Her Heart - by jo_ron
Nf: He Thinks, She Wants - by femmenerd
Ng: One - by belovedranger
Nh: Picking A Day - by i_m_b00
Ni: Planning Their Wedding - by magentabear
Nj: Sensible Precaution - by Alloy
Nk: When Darkness Falls - by queenb23more

Outstanding Adult Drabble Nominees

Oa: Biocolonisation - by shocolate
Ob: Hanging ** - by Clara86
Oc: His Battle ** - by ronhermione33
Od: Hush ** - by fizette
Oe: Responsible ** - by belovedranger
Of: Second Honeymoon ** - by JaneS
Og: Untitled - by Annasmit
Oh: Who ** - by queenb23more

Outstanding Depiction of Ron Nominees

Pa: Cryptograph - by maple_mahogany
Pb: Eensy Weensy - by attilatehbun
Pc: Epilogues, Part III ** - by Grimmrook
Pd: Finding His Way - by shiiki
Pe: Gifts - by willow_wand
Pf: If A Man Answers ** - risiepookie
Pg: In The Rough - by belovedranger
Ph: Knowing - by Loveadubdub
Pi: Little White Ones - by Mizaya
Pj: May the Moon and Sunlight Seem - by Lirazel
Pk: Missing - by pigwithhair
Pl: Never Enough ** - by evanesco75
Pm: Self Restraint - by Phoenixfeather47
Pn: Stating The Obvious - by Gwen1170
Po: The Greatest Gift - by kacie223
Pp: Together Forever - by thesteppyone
Pq: Twelve Fail-Safe Ways - by Michellypie

Outstanding Depiction of Hermione Nominees

Qa: A Pain Worse Than Any Other - by willow_wand
Qb: Alexia - by mad_maudlin
Qc: And Every Man His Father and Mother - by sezzie_dee
Qd: Breathe - by StellaDarcy
Qe: Cryptograph - by maple_mahogany
Qf: Diary of Jane - by ronhermione33
Qg: Forward Motion ** - by tehgiantsquid
Qh: Hermione, At Home - by HelenH
Qi: Hermione's Horcrux - by Ravensgryff
Qj: Loneliness Like This - by sowritesauds
Qk: May the Moon and Sunlight Seem - by Lirazel
Ql: One Last Chance - by The Muskmelons (thesteppyone and solstice_muse)
Qm: Only Minutes Away - by belovedranger
Qn: Stealing Home - by queenb23more
Qo: Summer Holidays - by penknife
Qp: Through The Mirror ** - by femmenerd
Qq: Understanding - by ozma_katiebell
Qr: Wake Me ** - by risiepookie
Qs: Work Can Wait ** - by pili204

Outstanding Overall Fiction Nominees

Ra: All’s Well That Ends Well ** - by Amidala69
Rb: Forward Motion ** - by tehgiantsquid
Rc: Lover’s Crossroads - by KJCP
Rd: May the Moon and Sunlight Seem - by Lirazel
Re: Never Enough ** - by evanesco75
Rf: The House-Elf Liberation Full Frontal ** - by thistlerose
Rg: The Palest Ink - by miss_daizy
Rh: Together Forever - by thesteppyone
Ri: Turbulence - by belovedranger
Rj: Twelve Fail-Safe Ways - by Michellypie
Rk: Wake Me ** - by risiepookie

Outstanding Author Nominees

Sa: Alloy
Sb: attilatehbun
Sc: belovedranger
Sd: evanesco75
Se: femmenerd
Sf: Lirazel
Sg: MagEd
Sh: ozma_katiebell
Si: pigwithhair
Sj: queenb23more
Sk: Redsioda
Sl: risiepookie
Sm: solstice_muse
Sn: thesteppyone


Outstanding Romance Nominees

Aa: Big Damn Anvil - by seviet
Ab: Calico Skies - by lberghol
Ac: Finally by Forbis
Ad: Hands by click_megalo
Ae: Is This The Moment? by reallycorking
Af: Ron and Hermione - by ReggieVeggie
Ag: Ron and Hermione Relaxing - by Hillary-CW
Ah: The Secret Marriage - by lillywmw
Ai: Water - by maria_abagnale

Outstanding Angst Nominees

Ba: Hermione's Deception - by Buttercup_If
Bb: He's Gone…Disapparated - by Ninny Treetops
Bc: Malfoy Manor - by lberghol
Bd: NO! - by mudblood428
Be: Reunion at the Burrow - by seviet
Bf: Ron Is Stabbing Your Horcrux - by GreenDesire
Bg: Ron Tormented - by leelastarsky
Bh: Stop or She Dies - by FrizzyHermione
Bi: The Locket - by maria_abagnale
Bj: The Locket - by EmpressFunk

Outstanding Humor Nominees

Ca: Don't. Even. Ask. - by Ninny Treetops
Cb: Erecto! - by Shmivv
Cc: Finally by Forbis
Cd: God Bless Felix Felicis - by lberghol
Ce: Harry Potter and the Deathly Love - by Manechan
Cf: Ron and Hermione - by Rokoroko
Cg: Ron and Hermione - by Umbles
Ch: Sont Booooo - by Hito76

Outstanding Tearjerker Nominees

Da: I Thought You Knew - by mudblood428
Db: The Locket - by EmpressFunk
Dc: Ron's Worst Nightmare - by Trishna87

Outstanding Kiss Nominees

Ea: Is This The Moment? - by mudblood428
Eb: Is This The Moment? - by reallycorking
Ec: Is This The Moment? - by Ninny Treetops
Ed: Now or Never - by Travelingpantscg
Ee: Ron and Hermione Fluff - by Toerning
Ef: Seventh Year - by maria_abagnale
Eg: This Is The Moment - by seviet

Outstanding Alternate Universe Nominees

Fa: Deathly Hallows Cover Art - by leelastarsky
Fb: Entwined - by mudblood428
Fc: How It Should Have Happened - by Unadrieniel-Undomiel
Fd: HP7 - by Hito76
Ff: The Secret Marriage - by lillywmw

Outstanding Missing Moment Nominees

Ga: 19 Years Later - by seviet
Gb: Hands to Hold - by reallycorking
Gc: Holding Hands - by Catching Smoke
Ge: Ron and Hermione Relaxing - by Hillary-CW
Gf: Summer - by maria_abagnale
Gg: The Way Back - by mudblood428
Gh: Poupee Vaudou - by Hito76
Gi: Just a Little Longer - by roonil_wazlib80

Outstanding Post-DH Nominees

Ha: 19 Years Later - by seviet
Hb: All is Well - by Ninny Treetops
Hc: Christmas Surprises - by maria_abagnale
Hd: Home for the Holidays - by mudblood428
He: Ron and Hermione Relaxing - by Hillary-CW
Hf: Ron, Hermione, and Rose - by StrawberryGina

Outstanding Adult Nominees

Ia: Moonlight ** - by Hippiegirl
Ib: Red Pony ** - by corvus_coronis
Ic: The Kiss ** - by lillywmw

Outstanding Depiction of Ron Nominees

Ja: All is Well - by Ninny Treetops
Jb: Finally - by xPisaCakeX
Jc: HP Characters - Series 1 - by maria_abagnale
Jd: Is This The Moment? by reallycorking
Je: Kiss The King - by lillywmw
Jf: Malfoy Manor - by lberghol
Jg: Reunion at the Burrow - by seviet
Jh: Ron Weasley - Autumn - by Dhesiamalfoy
Ji: Ron's Horcrux - by Forbis
Jj: The Way Back - by mudblood428

Outstanding Depiction of Hermione Nominees

Ka: Beautiful - by reallycorking
Kb: Entwined - by mudblood428
Kc: Kiss The King - by lillywmw
Ke: Seventh Year - by maria_abagnale
Kf: The High Priestess - by _odella_
Kg: Poupee Vaudou - by Hito76

Outstanding Overall Nominees

La: Big Damn Anvil - by seviet
Lb: Finally by Forbis
Lc: Is This The Moment? by reallycorking
Ld: Seventh Year - by maria_abagnale
Le: Sont Booooo - by Hito76

Outstanding Artist Nominees

Ma: Hillary-CW
Mb: lberghol
Mc: leelastarsky
Md: lillywmw
Me: maria_abagnale
Mf: mudblood428
Mg: reallycorking


Outstanding R/Hr Site Nominees

Aa: Canon Love
Ab: Checkmated
Ac: Simply Undeniable
Ad: The Quidditch Pitch

Outstanding Acheivement in Fandom Nominees

Ba: belovedranger
Bb: mudblood428
Bc: risiepookie
Bd: thenarnianqueen
Be: willowwand


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