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Comments 11

cicer January 4 2012, 00:12:35 UTC
I loved this episode, but I agree that the last plot-twist was a bit too much. As you said, nobody really thought Irene was dead. I also found it a bit hard to swallow that Sherlock could pull off that miraculous save without Mycroft knowing about it. So...either Mycroft had a moment of severe stupidity, wherein he somehow didn't know that his younger brother infiltrated a terrorist cell and staged a woman's death, or he was screwing with John because...? I dunno, that did bother me ( ... )


rheasilvia January 4 2012, 11:40:17 UTC
I also found it a bit hard to swallow that Sherlock could pull off that miraculous save without Mycroft knowing about it.

Yes! That was one of the most ridiculous things wrong with it, I thought. It wasn't exactly a subtle save, either, not that that would actually have made much of a difference. The entire thing was just annoyingly implausible and unnecessary.

Also, it seemed like Irene pulled a bit of a Karma Houdini.

You have a point, although that aspect didn't bother me... plus, it's early days yet. As a character, I do find her fascinating, and she has a lot of potential, so not killing her off was the right choice from a plot point of view. But - they couzld have achieved that goal just by leaving the last scene off altogether, just as well. With or without the "goodbye" text message.

As for the thing with John coming in second in Sherlock's affections...I really didn't read it that way, myself.Hm, I hope you're right! :-) I also hope we'll see more about this in the following eps. This could be the kick-off to some ( ... )


glitterburn January 4 2012, 07:26:27 UTC
It was better than I expected, though the way they explained away the end of the last series was pathetic. I thought Irene was excellent. I didn't like the ending with Sherlock saving her, that kind of misses the point of Irene Adler entirely.

Watson irritated me less this time, mainly because my main beef with him in the first series was that he's not remotely believable as ex-military. This time he was more of a moronic flatmate like someone out of Men Behaving Badly, which of course does not make him Watson, it just makes him the comedy straight man ( ... )


rheasilvia January 4 2012, 12:06:41 UTC
It was better than I expected, though the way they explained away the end of the last series was pathetic.

God yes. That really was pathetic; I'd almost forgotten about that.

I thought Irene was excellent. I didn't like the ending with Sherlock saving her, that kind of misses the point of Irene Adler entirely.

She was very well done! I couldn't stop being resentful on behalf of poor John, but yes, she herself was indeed excellent. :-)

Watson irritated me less this timeI liked him very much in the pilot ep, where he had interesting hints of darkness and seemed more multi-faceted, as well as displaying unexpected depths that surprised even Sherlock. But he lost his edge in the following two eps and - just as you said - turned into a mere straight man for Sherlock, which is a waste of a character who could be very interesting in his own right. And it makes no sense for Sherlock to be interested in him if he is indeed only a bumbling but kind flatmate... which unfortunately explains why Sherlock has been treating him more or less ( ... )


izsabella January 6 2012, 07:55:55 UTC
Here to admit that, yes, I'm watching it too.
My brain isn't awake enough for long ramblings but I just wanted to say, strangely enough the Sherlock/John dynamic actually works as platonic love for me.

I read somewhere, and I liked the interpretation, that while Sherlock is always off to solve mysteries and he gets easily bored it's also that he can't stand things being a mystery to him. If he can't solve them, it makes him very irritated. But John is like an open book to him and he makes him comfortable. Still he manages to surprise him and he puts up with Sherlock. Come to think of it, the only people who are close to Sherlock and get along with his strange manners are Mrs. Hudson and John and both he holds dear.

Like the Mycroft - 'breakdown' scene, can't put my finger on the why, but it fleshed out the character for me more. Perhaps to see an other than his aloof side. I want to see more of him.

Irene... not sure what to think of her.
Ok, cut short because I have to get to work.
Belated Happy 2012!


rheasilvia January 7 2012, 21:51:24 UTC
Here to admit that, yes, I'm watching it too.

HAH! Caught you. ;-)

I just wanted to say, strangely enough the Sherlock/John dynamic actually works as platonic love for me.

Oh, yes, absolutely. It's the same for me; this Sherlock seems believably (and pretty much entirely) asexual to me, and any love going on will not be physical. Which is also why John's sexual orientation actually makes no difference. *g* But even so, I thought John felt that Sherlock was putting Irene before him, and was therefore jealous - and it's clear that Sherlock is far more important to John than any of his actual sexual partners. He's the heterosexual boyfriend of an asexual man, whose sexual exploits with women are merely a physical necessity. At least that's how the relationship seems to me...

Except that then, Sherlock has to go and flirt with someone else. Grrrr. ;-)

I read somewhere, and I liked the interpretation, that while Sherlock is always off to solve mysteries and he gets easily bored it's also that he can't stand things being a mystery to ( ... )


rheasilvia January 7 2012, 21:56:14 UTC
Also: Happy 2012! :-)


setsuna_jiba January 6 2012, 19:57:44 UTC
I just got around to watching the episode. There is not much I can add to what you wrote. I too felt rather sorry for John. Although I couldn’t help finding it a bit amusing. Mostly because he was sooooo obvious. ^^ Agree on this being better than the past two eps and about the plot twist at the end and I also totally loved Mrs. Hudson, and Mycroft.

But am I the only one who is a bit disappointed with Moriarty? Both from the previous episode and the beginning of this one did nothing more to convince me. I’m not sure how to put it, but I expected more when he was on screen. Now, I haven’t read the books so this is just from my own head, but say the criminal mastermind and main antagonist is supposed to be able to be so vague that he almost disappears in front of your eyes, lurking in the crowd and what not, when he does reveal himself and faces the hero he should have some sort of presence. At least I think so. Otherwise the balance feels really off to me. But maybe it’s just me who thinks this bad guy lacks a bit something. ^^


rheasilvia January 7 2012, 21:55:34 UTC
Mostly because he was sooooo obvious. ^^

Oh god, yes. Poor man... but hey, why shouldn't he be? Sherlock can be blockheaded about these emotional things, so it's only right that John be clear about his displeasure. ;-)

But am I the only one who is a bit disappointed with Moriarty?

No, you're right. I feel the same way: He doesn't have presence, and he definitely should. Plus, and perhaps worse, he doesn't have chemistry with Sherlock, either - quite unlike Irene. There's no real sign of the mutual obsession that should be building between him and Sherlock.

He makes a very pale bad guy so far. I think it may be the actor.


mikihisha January 11 2012, 02:41:38 UTC
There was too many twists,one moment you believe one thing and boom,you are turned entirely different direction.

The boyfriend thing...I think that was too much,EVERYONE thinking they are together and the only one denying it,is John.This doesn't mean I'm against Sherlock/John,I love it.But this weird "you two are so gay for each other" is just unfitting.They haven't done anything that extreme that would immediately lead everyone to thinking they are gay.

The end where is Irene supposed to die and Sherlock miraculously rescued her,confused me.How the hell would he do that without Mycroft knowning?Unless Mycroft lied to John,but I don't really see point of doing that.

It's definitely not going to be my favourite episode,but that's mainly because I don't like Irene XD You know chicks around my favourite slash pairing,it doesn't work out,lol.


rheasilvia January 11 2012, 22:10:57 UTC
The boyfriend thing...I think that was too much,EVERYONE thinking they are together and the only one denying it,is John.This doesn't mean I'm against Sherlock/John,I love it.

I agree that it's a bit too much now... it's funny on occasion, but the constantness is wearing it thin.

But this weird "you two are so gay for each other" is just unfitting.They haven't done anything that extreme that would immediately lead everyone to thinking they are gay.Interestingly enough I don't think that any of the people who *know* the two and refer to them as a couple (John's soon-to-be-ex girlfriend, Irene) think that there is actual gayness as in a sexual element involved. This Sherlock reads firmly asexual to me, and I don't think anyone doubts John's heterosexuality. It's simply a couple relationship without the sex, which is why John's - or for that matter Sherlock's - sexuality doesn't even enter into it ( ... )


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