Sherlock 2x01, aka The Love Triangle

Jan 03, 2012 23:04

So I just watched Sherlock 2x01, and I have some spoilery rambly thoughts.

This ep looked like a classic jealousy storyline to everyone, not just me, right? I mean, apart from the fact that everyone in the entire episode kept assuring John that he was Sherlock's boyfriend (and a good one at that, who really loves Sherlock), and apart from the fact that John felt called upon to assure his rival for Sherlock's affections that he isn't actually gay (which nobody seemed to believe had any bearing on the matter), and apart from the fact that the episode is also filled with people obsessed with finding out just what is going on with Sherlock in terms of sexuality anyway (John, Mycroft, Irene and Moriarty, at last count, and possibly Sherlock himself)...

John was so jealous. Poor guy, he may be a very good boyfriend, but Sherlock is certainly a very bad one. It's like John is the faithful little wife sitting at home, taken for granted and never thought about, while Irene is the exciting new lover to be played and fought and flirted with. And John knows exactly what's going on, too. Nooooooo, that's just wrong. Poor John.

See, John, I TOLD you you should have been Moriarty. I told you from the start, but did you listen? If only you were a brilliant amoral criminal mastermind who'd managed to outsmart Sherlock. Sherlock would have been madly infatuated with you forever, and never even thought of throwing you over for random brilliant amoral criminal dominatrixes.

On the whole, I liked the ep, and I would have liked it a *lot* if not for the fact - and this is slightly ridiculous - that I bear it a serious grudge for putting John second in Sherlock's affections. Or seeming to do so, anyway. Grrrr.

Also: That last plot twist was really ridiculous, for too many reasons to list. Seriously, it would have been a far better episode without that ridiculous and unnecessary save. Nobody really believed Irene was dead anyway.

Still, a nice episode. I think it succeeded better than any of the previous ones in many ways; it was more fun, for one thing, and there was more twisty, multi-layered byzantine intellectual fencing going on (yay for this Mycroft, seriously), and the relationship between John and Sherlock was nice despite everything, and Mrs Hudson was also great. Plus, of course, there was some very nice Sherlock (and Mycroft) characterization. To me it seems like the PTB are trying to make Sherlock slightly more approachable and sympathetic by giving him more human emotions. I have very mixed feelings about this and really hope it doesn't go any further, but I do understand the reasons.

As for John, he really needs his edge back. He had it in the pilot episode, where he coldly and competently killed a man, and it took Sherlock ages to catch on (which, not incidentally, fascinated and intrigued Sherlock).

And that's enough rambling out of me. :-) So what did you think?

sherlock, episode commentary

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