"Sherlock" (2010)

Jul 24, 2011 22:48

Just watched Sherlock 1x03...

and for a second there, I thought I was in love.

How brilliant would it have been if John had been Moriarty? So damned brilliant. Wow, that would have hit so many of my buttons I don't even have the words.

Le sigh.

Even so, this series has unexpectedly nice moments, although it fails to truly grab me. I like it well enough as a whole (although 1x02 was boring IMO), but mostly, the fun has been in single moments. Such as the initial assumption of both of Our Heroes that the other one is hitting on him, and the shared reaction of 'hey, whatever rocks your boat, but it's just not my thing, why don't you get that and quit chatting me up already?'

Or the moment in ep1 in which Sherlock belatedly (!) realizes that John is the one who killed the murderer. Sherlock is so *surprised*, and John is just standing there, all meek and bland and totally, unutterably harmless. Sherlock has left him out of the equation entirely, and he should not have; he's miscalculated. That moment would not have been very significant with other characters - but for Sherlock, an oversight like this is a huge deal. This, I think, is the moment in which John truly impresses him, and he begins to value him as something more than an admiring audience.

(And BTW, I love that competently and coldly killing someone without Sherlock's knowledge is what it takes to impress Sherlock.)

There's also the moment after Sherlock's incomprehension as to why the paramedics keep giving him a blanket (for shock, he is told), when he cuts off the policeman's attempts at questioning with an annoyed "Oh, what now! I'm in shock. Look, I've got a blanket!"

And throughout the series, of course, there is the self-declared highly functional sociopath Holmes who is indeed much creepier than anyone except the one policewoman seems to want to admit to themselves. Quite likely he will one day start killing people, if he is bored for too long. Sherlock says as much himself, but nobody wants to believe him. Which, yes. Very nice. I approve. :-)

And John... who so disappointingly is not Moriarty, and who sadly enough pales after 1x01, in which he still has sharp, jagged and dangerous edges of his own.

I don't really have a point here - except to say that damn it, show. Why didn't you go that last extra step and make John Moriarty, instead of just flirting with the idea? That would have been so. damned. brilliant. Sherlock would have loved John forever. It would have been the sweetest, most murderous little flirting game of sociopaths ever to tear the world apart.

And I would have loved you.

sherlock, episode commentary

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