Of bots, freedom of anonymity, and official sockpuppets.

Feb 09, 2011 19:33

There's been a flood of LJ spam recently, and I'm really getting tired of deleting random bot comments. So, I'm disabling anonymous commenting ( Read more... )


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Comments 12

imifumei February 9 2011, 18:39:07 UTC
Following weird, that really ought to say 'but charming.'

I think the idea is a really good one, but I wonder if anyone would go to the trouble of actually using it. I would hope so, since you put the work into creating it just for those people, but they may be too timid or lazy to bother with it.

I didn't answer because I prefer simply to say things to people without hiding my identity, but I still feel the concept has validity.

If nothing else, it would be an interesting social experiment to see whether people do use it.


rheasilvia February 9 2011, 19:49:40 UTC
I have always aspired to be weird but charming. :-) YAY!

Yes, I also wonder if the sockpuppet journal would see much use... I don't actually get a lot of anonymous comments anyway, except from bots.

I think I'll create one anyway, though, just for fun. :-) And as a positive side-effect, if anyone does ever use it, I will be so absolutely thrilled that even the worst kind of flame won't dent my good mood!

Personally, I don't comment anonymously, either, outside of anyonymous-fic-prompt-and-write things. But to each their own. *g*

If nothing else, it would be an interesting social experiment to see whether people do use it.

It definitely would be! To gain conclusive results, though, it'd ideally have to be instituted on a number of journals with a large number of anonymous commenters. I fear my journal will not yield representative data. :-)


solo February 9 2011, 18:54:10 UTC
I am a sockpuppet. Only you don't know for whom. BWAAAAHAHAHAHAAAA!


rheasilvia February 9 2011, 19:37:23 UTC
IT'S YOU! Pfft, I totally knew it was you all along.


fleurrochard February 9 2011, 18:57:39 UTC
Ich hab deine Karte gekriegt, vielen Dank! Hast du das Bild selber gemacht? Ist ja ein fantastischer Sonnenauf/untergang - wo ist das denn?


rheasilvia February 9 2011, 19:38:31 UTC
Bitte schön! Ich habe mich nie für deine Karte bedankt, weil ich ein Dödel bin - also auch dir vielen Dank. :-)

Ja, das Bild habe ich selbst gemacht. Es ist ein kroatischer Sonnenuntergang; ich kann sie nur empfehlen, sie scheinen fast alle so spektakulär zu sein.


japanimecrazed February 9 2011, 20:02:09 UTC
There was no option for me in the second part. :(

I wouldn't use it because I won't say anything I'm not comfortable attaching my name to. I do think it's a brilliant if slightly off the wall idea, but I'm not sure if anyone else would use it either. I don't think there's any harm in creating it though.


rheasilvia February 9 2011, 21:49:33 UTC
I wouldn't use it because I won't say anything I'm not comfortable attaching my name to.

I rather assume that'd be the correct answer for most people, but where's the fun in that? *g*

But seriously: I also assume nobody would use an official sockpuppet (hardly anyone except the bots comments anonymously in my LJ, anyway)... but wouldn't it be cool if someone did? *g*

I've already created a sockpuppetty LJ; I'll think about it some more and then announce its existence, I think, and then it will promptly be ignored and forgotten. *g*


glitterburn February 9 2011, 20:55:48 UTC
You should call the sockpuppet 'random_b0t' or something as entertaining as all the weird bot names that turn up. It's the ones that randomly LJ-friend people that I find odd.

If only bots left comments saying 'Gr8 fic plz rite moar!111!11' rather than ads for Russian porn sites, no one would mind...


rheasilvia February 9 2011, 21:54:45 UTC
I, uh. Might already have created a sockpuppet journal, and called it anonynym...

It's the ones that randomly LJ-friend people that I find odd.

Yeah, what on earth is the point of that??

If only bots left comments saying 'Gr8 fic plz rite moar!111!11' rather than ads for Russian porn sites, no one would mind...

I actually had several bots try to ape an enthusiastic comment of this kind, á la "I agree with this whole-heartedly. Check out this site which is totally relevant to the subject: www. XXXXBOOBSNASSXXXX!!! .RU". Some even tried to get into a discussion with me, saying stuff like, "Interesting premise, but how successfully can you argue it in total vacuum?" (I paraphase, since I deleted the actual comments. *g*)


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