Bringing Order into Chaos

Nov 12, 2009 01:02

Today, I organized my epic ( Read more... )

meta, jpop, writing

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Comments 2

solo November 12 2009, 10:05:22 UTC
And there I thought the number of this epic was 666.

So does this mean you have a structure now? And some idea what needs to be where when and why? And... are you going to try and finish it in a linear fashion? :-)

Enquiring minds want to know.


rheasilvia November 12 2009, 10:54:19 UTC
And there I thought the number of this epic was 666.

It has seemed that way at times, lately...

Yes, yes, and no. :-) Yes, there is structure! And yes, except for some remaining uncertainty about several scenes (notably the billiard scene), everything has been slotted into place, to be properly anchored there by editing at a later point. Still need to slot all the different scenes into place on a calendar... but that shouldn't be a big issue, because I am god of this universe and control all concert and filming schedules and such. *g*

Linear fashion... no, probably not. :-) I will probably continue on with the Magpie Method: nosedive at anything that seems shiny at the time. It's served me well so far with this story, and now that there is structure, there shouldn't be any further problems with it!


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