Bringing Order into Chaos

Nov 12, 2009 01:02

Today, I organized my epic.

Which epic, you ask? Oh, the one that started out as a short fling on my part with a fandom… and that somehow exploded into the longest fanfic novel I have ever written. And that isn't finished yet. (How do I get myself into these things? It's a long story. Not quite as long as the epic, though. *g*)

When an author's delusion she is writing a short story collides with burgeoning inspiration, the resulting writing process can be chaotic. But today, I have girded my loins and heroically waded into the fictional jungle, there to ruthlessly index, streamline and organize. As it turns out, the chaos wasn't nearly as bad as I feared - and now I totally have that epic's number. ;-)

The Epic's Number(s)
Located titles: 0
Previously irksome scenes relocated to a wonderful new home where they function excellently well: 1
Required scenes discovered to be missing (and likely to spawn when the author isn't looking): 13, of which sex scenes: 2
Scenes up for heavy revision or completion: 14, of which sex scenes: 1
Deleted scenes: 5, of which sex scenes: 0
Heavily endangered scenes the author really really doesn't want to lose: 1, of which sex scenes: 1


meta, jpop, writing

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