Fanfic: The Broccoli Conundrum (...Meme?)

Sep 24, 2009 22:57

It is a weighty, age-old question: If your OTP characters are in different parts of a grocery store but have visual contact, can A convey to B - without shouting - that A wants B to pick up some broccoli ( Read more... )

meme, crackfic, jpop, fanfic, junno

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Comments 86

pashoshi September 25 2009, 00:09:18 UTC
After I finished reading the first one, I thought "There's no way Ryo would make those kind of ridiculous gestures. He'd just use his phone." so I was amused to see that you thought the same.

I've actually never heard of the broccoli test before as far as I can remember. I'm not sure what I think of it...


rheasilvia September 25 2009, 20:00:59 UTC
Ryo is way too self-conscious dignified to risk making a fool of himself by imitating vegetables. ;-) And modern technology means that he doesn't have to! Lucky him. *g*

Hm, I guess the broccoli test hasn't spread into jpop yet... which I think is a shame, because personally, I quite like it. Sure, it's silly, but so many fun things are. :-)


clutzynew September 25 2009, 23:12:35 UTC
hahah thats exactly what i thought...just use your phone...and he did XDDD


rheasilvia September 25 2009, 23:22:14 UTC
Whatever works! Very canny, Ryo. ;-)

Your icon... kind of scares me. *g*


girlearthless September 25 2009, 00:59:25 UTC
Oh ho ho, this was very amusing XD And pleasing ♥___♥ Somehow I knew Junno would be a pro at the broccoli test (I think his long arms and legs and the ability to express himself through gestures help him out), and that Ryo would sort of fail, but in an adorable way.


rheasilvia September 25 2009, 20:12:11 UTC
Eeee! Your icon! :-)) How very fitting - why yes, actually, Junno is the broccoli hero of the produce aisle. *g*

I think Junno would not stop to worry about his dignity when broccoli was at stake, and that may well be what gives him the decisive edge. Though Ryo quickly and correctly interpreting Junno's broccoli impression really shouldn't be dismissed too lightly, either!

Yeah, this isn't Ryo's thing at all. But he is indeed very adorable, although he will no doubt deny it heatedly if Junno should tell him. And maybe blush a little through the bluster. ;-)


imifumei September 25 2009, 07:53:01 UTC
These are really adorable. I love the way you write them both.


rheasilvia September 25 2009, 20:21:00 UTC
While I can't take credit for the guys' adorableness, I'm glad you like the way I write them! :-) I think they'd probably surprise everyone with their broccoli capabilities. *g*


beltenebra September 25 2009, 07:59:21 UTC
Yes, just... so much yes.

::grin:: of course Junno would see it as a personal challenge! They're idols, they've been forced to play ridiculous games for years, why not utilize their hard earned skills?

And yes, I am with Ryo-chan. I would probably use text messages too. Although, I might still consider it being flexible with the rules of the game ;)

Also, poor Ryo-chan, his life is difficult. ^_^

Thanks for sharing! I just love the way you write them together. <3


rheasilvia September 25 2009, 20:28:46 UTC

YES! All that suffering and heartbreak at the hand of punishment games and silly challenges is finally paying off! The broccoli, it is justice, or maybe destiny. Or both. ;-)

I might still consider it being flexible with the rules of the game

I'm sure Ryo would be willing to let himself be persuaded of that point of view!

I don't think I'd like to play broccoli myself; looks like Junno's uninhibited dorkness makes him the undisputed Broccoli King. *g* Although really, Ryo's contribution wasn't that shabby either - not everyone can be expected to immediately recognize a broccoli as portrayed by a dorky sparkly boy!

Also, poor Ryo-chan, his life is difficult.

Seriously, the things he puts up with. He is *so* put upon. Someone should give him a good, long backrub to make up for all the suffering and humiliation. And maybe run down to the bakery at the corner and get him a curry bun and a latte macchiato. And then put on some nice music and go back to the backrub. Hmmm.

Yes. Such a hard life. ;-)


violet_eitolove September 25 2009, 22:37:41 UTC
I didn't know there was such a test... Using Broccoli xD
It was so fun to imagine Junno bouncing in the shop, trying to look like a broccoli (which is pretty difficult when you are a good looking guy).
And I loved Ryo's one : reasonnable way out to the problem. that's so him ^^ (I don't think it's cheating... the rules said without shouting, not "no cellphones" )

Now I'm going to think seriously about broccoli's issues... xD

thank you !!


rheasilvia September 25 2009, 23:20:56 UTC
It may say odd things about me, but I love the broccoli test... it's such fun to think about what the various people would do! :-) And I'm glad you think it's fun too!

which is pretty difficult when you are a good looking guy

*g* Good point - though I'm not sure I can think of any JE guy who'd have had an easier time of it! Is there anyone who looks like broccoli naturally? ;-)

the rules said without shouting, not "no cellphones"

Very true! Nobody ever said anything about cellphones. Ryo doesn't think it's cheating either.

Tell me if you come to any conclusions, broccoli-wise! I'd love to know. :-)


violet_eitolove September 26 2009, 14:25:59 UTC
This night I really thought about how Eito would resolve this Broccoli problem ( ... )


rheasilvia September 26 2009, 21:31:33 UTC
LOL! These are very very nice - poor Ryo, everyone wants to make him buy broccoli. He'll probably soon just grab a stalk of broccoli whenever someone even looks at him in a grocery store. *g*

I especially love Yoko, because of course Yoko would amplify his voice, if shouting wouldn't do it. Of *course*! That is Yoko down to the bone. :-))

Ohkura, I really doubt Ryo will get that ("you mean your brain is the consistency of cauliflower??"), but very nice try! ;-)

Yes! Hina would definitely hit someone over this. *g*

Thank you for sharing!!


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