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Comments 155

solo April 16 2009, 17:15:06 UTC
I'm sure I've seen some pretty horrible Kame stuff, but alas, it is no longer in my possession.


rheasilvia April 16 2009, 17:24:04 UTC
Seriously, you destroy the evidence? I am sorely disappointed!


solo April 16 2009, 17:57:18 UTC
I analyse the evidence, draw my conclusions, and then I don't need to keep it around. It's getting a bit crowded on the terabyte drive. :-)


rheasilvia April 16 2009, 18:24:07 UTC
Buy a new one! :-)

But I guess we're from different schools of thought. I like to periodically reacquaint myself with the worst, in the same way that some people like to walk over hot coals, or jump into a hole cut in the ice after cooking themselves in 100°C...


mandolin_minuet April 16 2009, 17:23:13 UTC
I'm going to have to vote for the monstrosity that is the denim jumpsuit. Please, Taguchi, just stick to nice plain-coloured T-shirts.

I really want to know his reasoning behind that last outfit (and the accessories alkjdlf). OH TAGUCHI. Somehow, he still manages to be adorable.

Btw hiiiiiiiii :D


rheasilvia April 16 2009, 17:32:35 UTC
The denim monster seems to be off to a promising start... it *is* horrible, isn't it. God yes, I so want to know wtf he was thinking that morning.

Maybe he was dressed nicely on the way to the studio, but a passing car splashed him with mud from head to toe, and so he had to borrow a jumpsuit that was lying around backstage, and, uh, the glasses kind of fell onto his nose as he was walking through the door of the set... uhm. Okay, probably not, but...

He can't help being adorable. It's his nature. :-)

Love your icon! :-)

(Hi, too! *g*)


mandolin_minuet April 16 2009, 17:36:15 UTC
Well, it does hurt to look at, so >>;;

............ for Taguchi, I say that is entirely possible. XDD And it probably wasn't even a car; he probably tripped over those insanely long legs of his. (Everyone in KAT-TUN is jealous, I'm sure.)

The icon seemed... hugely appropriate XDDD He is so channelling a primadonna in yours! *dies laughing*


rheasilvia April 16 2009, 17:48:50 UTC
Jealous of the long legs, I assume, not the denim jumpsuit! Although hey, knowing them, maybe that, too. ;-)

The primadonna!Junno is a great icon for odd and puzzling things. Although I always wonder how people will interpret it! *g*


ravyn_ashling April 16 2009, 17:35:40 UTC
that's okay! his new solo is very pretty. ;3;


rheasilvia April 16 2009, 17:58:11 UTC
Even in horrible clothes, he does still manage to be adorable. :-) But since we know he can be both adorable and lickable at the same time...

Not sure about the new solo yet; will have to listen to it a couple more times.


jo_lasalle April 16 2009, 17:46:09 UTC
The diaper space tips the scales towards the Yellow Pants of Horror. I'm impressed you're keeping an archive; like solo____ I dumped the worst of the transgressions.


rheasilvia April 16 2009, 18:01:51 UTC
Tssk, how can you be such wusses! You must bravely face the worst of the horrors, not close your eyes before them. Honestly... why do you think I keep the mole pics??

And yeah, the diaper space is truly daunting. I can't even imagine what the designer intended it to be. (I don't want to, either!)


rekkoi April 16 2009, 17:50:43 UTC
I know Ueda has had a few outfit that have made me so "WHOA" and take a second glance. Haha. I'll try and dig up some pictures for you.

I think the yellow pants are the worst for Junno though!! D:


rheasilvia April 16 2009, 18:02:46 UTC
The yellow pants are indeed scary! Where do the guys even buy this kind of thing?

Ooh yes, show me Ueda's fashion crimes. :-))


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