Fashion Crimes - Revealed!

Apr 16, 2009 19:05

Oh, Junno. Why?

I like to call the item of clothing Junno is modelling here The Yellow Pants of Horror.

I mean - bright lemon yellow. Diaper space at the top. Unflattering tight-yet-shapeless-and-wrinkly fit. Open zippers at the ankles. Need I say more?

Meet The Florida Pensioner Suit.

This thing makes Junno look like an octogenarian millionaire reposing in a pool-side chair in some expensive resort in Miami during the filming of "Some Like It Hot". A cute octogenarian millionaire who has a real shot at snagging Jack Lemmon right under Osgood's nose, yes. But still.

Here, Junno pioneers the "victim of marauding denim pushers" look. Brave, but foolhardy...

To compound the horror, the denim monstrosity was evidently meant for someone shorter; Junno cleverly tries to disguise that fact by rolling up the legs. For reasons known only to himself, he also chooses to accessorize with a pink belt and yellow glasses.

Time to face the music, Taguchi.

Poll Fashion Crimes

If you need to recover after all that, rest your eyes on Junno looking very nice in a plain white t-shirt. *g*

What are the worst fashion crimes the other KAT-TUN members have committed*? Do you know of other horrors Junno has inflicted upon the eyes of innocent fans*? Shock me with the evidence!

* In the interest of fairness, though, no photoshoot pics where they were obviously forced to don whatever horror it is they're wearing. Just stuff they seem to have picked out themselves. Also no stage costumes... that's a different crime scene. ;-)

ETA: I have since been informed that Junno can't be blamed for the heinous crime of The Denim Monstrosity - it was actually perpetrated by a cruel comedian who made him wear it! Poor innocent Junno, I have wronged him grievously.

On the other hand, what does it say that I believed him fully capable of wearing that thing of his own free will? *g*

crack, jpop, junno, picspam

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