X-Men: The Search for a Beta

Jul 14, 2012 22:21

As some of you know, I've been up to reckless fannish acts again! This time I signed up for a fanfic challenge because it looked so wonderfully cool, because the deadlines seemed soothingly far off, and - lastly - because the minimum wordcount was 5k. "5k!" I thought to myself. "Hey, self, I know you have a lot of other projects on your plate - but ( Read more... )

xmfc, writing

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Comments 3

analise010 July 14 2012, 22:07:56 UTC
NOT YOU TOO?????? My story isn't even done AND I HAVE TO POST IN 2 WEEKS. I'm glad you're finished with yours. Congratulations!


rheasilvia July 14 2012, 22:47:50 UTC
Yes, me too!! This story, I swear. I really don't like cutting things so close, but somehow it just... happened.

And it sounds like you have it even worse. Argh, poor you! When do you think you'll be finished?

The beta problem is worrying me a bit right now. I've written to several of the beta volunteers for the Reverse Bang, but haven't heard back from them, and I really can't blame anyone for not wanting to beta on such short notice. :-(


analise010 July 15 2012, 00:14:24 UTC
I'm trying to get it finished this week (the new job and the summer class I'm taking have other things to say about that), but my beta went AWOL and so did my artist. B|


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