X-Men: The Search for a Beta

Jul 14, 2012 22:21

As some of you know, I've been up to reckless fannish acts again! This time I signed up for a fanfic challenge because it looked so wonderfully cool, because the deadlines seemed soothingly far off, and - lastly - because the minimum wordcount was 5k. "5k!" I thought to myself. "Hey, self, I know you have a lot of other projects on your plate - but come on, 5k? You'll be able to fit that in no problemo".

Cue hysterical laughter here. I mean - I do actually know better. It's not like all of my longest fanfics haven't started out as short stories...

So basically, for the last few months I've spent every free minute plotting, writing, and now editing. The finished story clocks in at just under 50k, and I now have only (hah!) 15 pages of the rough draft left to edit.

Of course, as of now the story is entirely un-betaed, and the posting date is the 20th - next Friday. *headdesk*.

So, yeah. Uhm. Does anyone have a bit of spare time and feel like beta-ing a story...?

It's an X-Men First Class AU, Charles/Erik, scifi-y and rated a very light R. Maybe even PG-13 (I know, it's a surprise to me, too!). No canon knowledge is required, although I do think it adds a bit to the story - but it should work as a "straight" (in a manner of speaking) scifi story for readers who have no X-Men knowledge, too. At least that was my intention!

Oh, and the story is based on this lovely art prompt - though I did diverge from the written part of the prompt somewhat (with the artist's permission).

xmfc, writing

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