Teen Wolf: Methinks Danny doth protest too much...

Jul 08, 2012 02:55

I've been meaning to post about the crack that is Teen Wolf for a while, especially its weird TV junk-foodish charm and surprisingly interesting secondary characters (not to mention its commendable habit of never letting its male characters keep their shirts on). But this is not that post. :-) This is a post about Danny's type.

Remember when Danny told Jackson (for the nth time) that Jackson is not his type…?


Here's Danny's ex-boyfriend (presumably Danny's type):

Here's Jackson (supposedly not Danny's type):

The Ex again:

Jackson again:

So, let's see. Danny's type is the good-looking medium-blond short-haired muscly broad-shouldered jock with excellent bone structure, relatively big nose, and strong jaw? Can be kind of a dickish jerk of a show-off, in bad moments?

Is it just me or does this remind you of anyone? (The Ex even has a dimple in his chin, for god's sake.)

If you're not watching the show:
Danny is a canonically gay character who is actually allowed to have a visible sexuality without being defined by it. He's not stereotyped, and he's best friends with Jackson, the typical popular jock dickhead who… actually isn't. Typical, that is, or one-dimensional, or boring. (Guess who I watch this series for. *g*)

Danny recently felt compelled to remind Jackson yet again that Jackson is not his type (no mention was made, BTW, of why Danny had felt it necessary to repeat this numerous times). Jackson stared at Danny in a pissed-off way and finally came back with "I'm everybody's type." I'd expected "you're not my type either", but… no. That's not how Jackson rolls.

teen wolf

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