Denial; Chapter 27, How to Save a Life

Aug 16, 2009 12:34

Title: Denial, Chapter 27:  How to Save a Life
Author: darkentwisted
Characters/Pairings: Djaq, Little John, Robin,Will, Queen Eleanor, Legrand  Mentions: Carter, Much
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst, Het, hint of slash.
Words: 3,125
Disclaimer: BBC & TA own; we just want to play in their universe
Notes: This continues the 'Round-Robin' fic 'Denial' and is set during "Treasure of the Nation"
Betaed by the incredible robinfanatic and wastingyourgum
Summary: Legrand lives!
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Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26

Denial; Chapter 27, How to Save a Life

"No! There has been too much death in the forest today!"  Djaq's small lithe form wiggled freely out of her lover's grasp as she ran down to the clearing where the large blond man was drawing his last breath, surrounded by his queen and his new friends.

John grabbed her shoulders. "He's gone, Djaq."

"Not yet, there is still time! I need you to do this for me!" She grabbed his hands and clasped them together over the dying man's chest. "Press here, in and out, as hard as you can.  I will breathe for him."  She called out to the others, "Will, Robin, we need horses and something to make a sling with to get him back to camp."  She wished Much was with them then.  He always knew the drill when one of them was injured and came up with cloth scraps, her medical kit and boiling water before he was even asked to.  The other outlaws knew as well. Although Robin was the leader at any other time, when one of their own was down, Djaq took over.  She smiled up from her ministrations. "Quickly, he is breathing on his own again!"


Back at camp, Djaq emerged from the sleeping quarters.  Her tunic was covered in blood, sweat clung to her brow.  The others sat around the camp in stunned silence.  Queen Eleanor had her head on John's shoulder and, for once, he didn't seem to mind.  Will looked up from where he was talking to Robin. "Is he..."

She nodded solemnly. "He still lives.  I fixed the injuries as best I could, but he lost a lot of blood."  She teared up as Will came over to her and drew her to the fire. "I tried to save him."

"How much longer?"  John asked in almost a hushed whisper as if calling death out loud would make it come faster for the brave knight.

"Till dawn at least, the blood loss has weakened him so. It is only a matter of time."  She looked up tearfully, "I am sorry."

The carpenter shushed her. "You did what you could."

Robin nodded, "You have nothing to apologise for."

The big man sighed as he held the royal family's sleeping matriarch close.  "I just wish I could give him some of mine."

"What did you say?"  The healer was near exhausted sleep but the giant's comment had her eyes open wide in an instant.

"I said 'I wish I could give him some of my blood'," John lamented, not used to repeating himself, especially when it was an offhand comment.

Djaq sprang out of Will's arms with renewed energy and was in front of the large outlaw. She looked into his eyes and examined the colour of his nails.  "Yes! It is possible!"

"What are you on about, girl?"  John huffed as the queen awoke next to him.

"What is that Saracen woman doing Robin?"  Eleanor asked.  "How is Legrand?  Is he dead?"

Robin shot the monarch an amused expression.  "I know that look.  I think she is on to something."

"Will," she called excitedly, "the pump you were working on for me - we need it, and I need some other things."

"What are you doing?" The carpenter's expression was quizzical.

She shrugged, smiling at Little John.  "Legrand needs blood, we will give him blood."


The large knight lay on the cot that was comically too small for him, still as a corpse.  His lips were pale and blue, his face ashen, and the only sign of life was the faintest rise and fall of his chest.

"You think this will work?"  Little John sat on the other side next to the contraption Djaq and Will were rigging.  He stared at the large canula with reservation.  "And you are going to put that where?"

"In the Holy Land, I saw my father try this.  If we were able to stop the blood loss in time and find someone suitable to volunteer we would try to give the patient blood from another man to save him."

"How often did it work?" Will asked as he fastened the tubes to the stoppered glass jars.

"Not often,"  She admitted. "Some men died immediately, others took days and died of horrible fevers.  But a very small few, those who shared certain traits with their donors..." she looked up smiling hopefully, "they fight in battles to this day still."

"I don't share much with him," Little John snorted.

"You might share enough," Djaq tutted.  "Besides it is his last chance."  She touched the back of her hand to the unconscious blond giant's pallid forehead.  "Poor unfortunate man. He has nothing more to lose."

"So, you are going to bleed me then." John squirmed uncomfortably.

"In a way," Djaq explained as she swabbed his arm with strong spirits.  "I will not lie to you John, this needle is blunt and it will hurt."

"Get on with it then...Umffff!" The large outlaw shot the Saracen healer an incredulous look as she slid the needle into his vein. 'You could have at least warned me."

Djaq said apologetically, "I figured it best not to see it coming."

She did the same to the other man with little registered discomfort from him and nodded to Will.  "All right, let us try this."

The craftsman pushed gently on the plunger and they watched expectantly as the thick ruby liquid flowed from John's arm to Legrand's.

"He doesn't seem to be in pain," Will supplied as he continued to move the handle slowly.

"That is a good sign for now." Djaq seemed pleased.  "His colour is coming back."

John broke in.  "When will this be over?  I'm feeling a little light-headed."

"We need to stop then, best to leave you some as well," she teased.

Will stopped pumping and she removed the tubes from the men's arms and bandaged their wounds.

Djaq focused on Little John.  "You need to rest.  You will be weak for a couple of days."

The large outlaw nodded, "I will rest here, beside him.  That way you can rest too. I will call for you if there is any change."

He climbed into the already crowded bunk next to the sleeping knight and Will mused to himself how it looked like two grown men sleeping in a very small child's bed.  He pulled his lover close.  "You need to sleep now, it's been a long night."  He glanced at the pale, injured, oversized knight next to the now softly snoring, large outlaw.  "You think he will make it?"

The healer leaned up and kissed her lover's lips softly.  "I don't know. He is in Allah's hands now."


The castle was larger than any place he had ever been, even larger and more grand than Nottingham. He was running down long hallways past magnificently furnished rooms, her voice trailing behind him.  "Where are you big bear?  Come out, come out, wherever you are!"  She was closing in. He raced through the corridors even faster, his breathing getting harder.   He made a wrong turn and faced a blank wall.  She was right behind him and he was trapped like a bear in the forest.  She came toward him, she smelled of an exotic mix of lavender and lust as her lips covered his own.  He was cornered and didn't seem to mind much at all.  Next to him he heard a loud gasp then a sharp moan...

John woke up with the other man groaning next to him.  He turned and felt the giant's forehead as he stirred weakly.  He frowned at the slight fever on the knight's brow. "There -- you are all right."

Legrand's eyes fluttered open then enlarged. "I live?"

"Yes, you are alive."

"That Saracen woman..."

"Djaq," Little John finished.  "She is a healer.  She saved your life."

"One of them... saved one of us..."  The blond giant's mind had a hard time connecting the logic.  "But our people are enemies."

"Not all of us."  John looked up at the unexpected voice to see the young Saracen looking at them with a cup in her hand.  She focused on Legrand with large moist eyes. "Some of us seek only to preserve life, not take it.  How are you feeling?"

The blond knight tried to laugh but it came out as a choking sound. "Like I took several arrows to the chest."

"Four to be exact and the sheriff's dagger as well."  She came over and felt his forehead.

John leaned in. "He is feverish."

Djaq smiled as she tended the injured knight's dressings.  "Do not worry, it is a good fever, John. He will be fine, thanks to you."

The blond man looked from the Saracen woman to the other giant. "Thanks to you? But I thought she...?"

"I just patched you up," Djaq smiled.  "John gave you something even more precious. He gave you his blood."

"Your blood flows through my veins?"  Legrand marvelled at his friend with a wide grin.  "That makes us 'frères de sang', blood brothers."

John chuckled. "I never looked at it like that before. I guess it does."

"Drink this."  Djaq tilted the cup to the injured man's mouth.  The outlaw held the knight's head as he swallowed the vile concoction.

Legrand pulled a face. "I think I would rather die once more than drink that again."

Djaq clucked at her impatient patient.  "It will help with the pain, now you must rest. Come John, let us go get something for you to eat."

"Can you stay with me till I sleep again?"  Legrand caught the older man completely by surprise at his insistence. His voice sounded more like a scared child than a member of the king's private guard.

The large outlaw took the blond man's hand, instantly reminded of the night he spent calming Little Little John in Nottingham's dungeon.  "I will stay." He nestled in next to Legrand. "You are a brave man."

"I've never been this close to death before."  The knight turned to the outlaw. "I'm scared, John."

"You will survive this.  A stronger man, I never knew."

The blond giant leaned into his new friend. "You are the stronger man.  Our queen calls you 'big bear.'"  The draught was quickly taking effect as he grinned a silly grin and slurred the words again, "Biggggggggggggggg bearrrrrrrrrrrr.  Je t'aime biggggggg bearrrrrrrrrrrrrr."   Before John could object the large knight pulled him close and their lips connected.

"Here now, none of that!  You are too injured," John looked at the heavily medicated man, "and obviously not in your right mind."

"Vos yeux sont si jolissssssssss."  Legrand kissed the surprised outlaw again before he could stop him.  His lips were still firmly pressed to John's when the snoring started.

The older man pulled away and gently slipped out of the bed, pulling the covers over the now soundly sleeping knight.  "Sleep well, my brother."

He had a few choice words to say to his friend. He walked up to where Djaq and Will were exchanging small talk, over their food, by the fire. "What the heck did you put in that draught you gave him anyway?"

Djaq looked up at the unamused giant searching his eyes.  "Some willow bark and comfrey for the pain and Valerian root to help him sleep.  Why, is he all right?"

"Oh he is fine," John snorted as he made his way to where the food was, wiping his mouth.  "Question is whether I will ever be again."


Recovery was slow and painful for the French born knight.  Each step was agonising for a man who prided himself on his strength. Although the walks in the forest had grown longer with his new friend, he was still impatient at the slow pace of his progress.

"You are doing well.  Just a little further," John cheered the injured warrior along.

Legrand shot a pained expression at the older man. "I am not a child, mon ami."  He groaned from fatigue. "Quoique je me sente comme un chaton faible."

"Come again?" the outlaw giant asked.

"I said I feel like a weak little kitten," the blonde knight spat.

"Djaq says it will take you a while to get your strength back."

"How long?" The knight stopped and looked at his friend as he guided him.  "The queen will be leaving soon and I must join her."

The large outlaw had already talked to Robin and Queen Eleanor at great length.  Legrand would not be happy. "We will talk about it later."


"Stay here!  Among outlaws and highwaymen?"  Legrand remembered himself and glanced at John, "No offence, my brother."

"None taken," John grumbled.

"Protectors of the King's realm, young knight!  And you should be honoured to serve under Lord Locksley."  The matriarch glared at the Frenchman.  She was not used to being talked back to.

Legrand kneeled. "I am, your majesty, but I was just under the impression I would return to France with my queen."

"You are too weak to travel, Legrand.  And Robin could use the extra help."  She turned sharply to the outlaw leader and swatted him on the head.

"Oww, what was that for?"  Robin rubbed his head and squinted.

"For letting your poor manservant go back to war!  And with Carter no less!"  She smiled at her son's favourite guard cheekily. "Quite the education he is going to get from that one!"

"He chose to go back of his own free will, Your Highness.  He is on a mission to tell your son of his brother's treachery."

"I know what he goes back for, Robin." She tutted, straightening her robes, "Love does make men do strange things."  Her last remark left the leader slightly puzzled, but she left it open.  "Anyway, Legrand, this isn't a punishment, just a delay. When you are well and all this is behind us, you... and Sir John... if he wishes, will come to Poitiers as members of my personal guard."

"Sir John?" the large outlaw muttered under his breath.

"Yes, that will come later, big bear," she grinned. She leaned in and whispered, "You see, A queen isn't allowed to consort with commoners and I do intend to 'consort' with you." She pinched John's rear to emphasize the point, making the outlaw's cheeks glow red.

"Milady!" he sputtered.

"Oh, for a big man he does embarrass easily," she remarked to the young Saracen girl.

Djaq giggled as she curtsied, "Milady."

The older woman dispensed with all formality and embraced her. "You, young lady, are a very smart, brave girl.  I would love to have you as court physician someday."  She broke the embrace and held her at arms length. "How could I ever repay you for saving the life of one of my favourite soldiers?"

"If I may speak out of turn, Your Highness," Djaq focused her limpid brown eyes on the monarch.  "Let your words of peace in my home country reach your son's ears."

"Oh if it were that easy, my child."  The queen mused pityingly, "I did give birth to some very stubborn, headstrong men."  She lifted the girl's chin with her finger.  "It would be so much better if us women ran the world would it not?"  She glanced over to the craftsman next to her. "Perhaps when this is all over, I will be invited to the wedding?"

It was Djaq's turn to blush. "I am sorry, my lady?"

Will put his arm around the Saracen healer and smiled.  "It would be an honour, Your Majesty."

"Then I am off," the monarch said smiling.  "John, my horse please?"

The outlaw helped the monarch onto her steed, grunting softly as she took her time running her hands along his shoulders. "Such a strong man," she whispered, delighting in his discomfort as the others watched in amusement.

Robin walked over to the Queen Mother. "You should follow the road back down to the coast.  There will be a boat moored for you at the headlands. Then Legrand's friends will sail you to your friends in Ireland and then back home to France."

"Poor Legrand," Eleanor replied as she looked at her loyal knight hobbling back toward camp with Djaq.

"We will look after him for you till he can return home. Don't worry."

"He is a hero, as are you all. Thank you.  King Richard will know of your bravery and sacrifice in helping me."

Robin leaned forward and kissed her hand, "Your Majesty."

The queen turned to the gentle giant and kissed his head. "Remember your invitation, big bear."

John squirmed uncomfortably, meeting the other outlaws' grins with a glare.

The queen produced a velvet sack of coins and tossed it at the outlaw leader. "My contribution."

Robin sputtered, "Your majesty, I can't take this."

"Why not? I am rich and the poor are poor." She grinned slyly at the remaining outlaws, "Isn't that where you come in?"

"Right lads. Come on," Robin replied smiling. They all bowed as the queen rode away.

The outlaws left the clearing.  John stopped and turned around, meeting the monarch's gentle gaze.  He sputtered and ran to join the others, knowing he would see her again.


"You know, there's something about Sherwood," Legrand said as he struggled to keep up with the others while Djaq supported him.

"It's home," Will supplied, looking back and winking at his girlfriend.

Legrand finished, "I might learn to like it here."

In unison the other outlaws turned to him, "Can you cook?"

"Mes amis, you think I would have gotten this big if I couldn't?" he shot back with a bellowing laugh.

"Then I guess you can stay, mon ami," Robin mused looking at the horizon. "It's nearly sunset and I know plenty of people who will be grateful for Queen Eleanor's money."

"So John..." Djaq chided, "planning on visiting Aquitaine any time soon?"

The large man snorted, his cheeks glowing, "You're all jealous."

"The queen mother fancies you, 'Big Bear'," Will finished, to the accompanied laughter of the other outlaws.

Robin, Djaq and Legrand joined in, "Big Bear!"

The outlaw leader landed a playful kick to the giant's backside and John in turn, yelled "Right!" and tackled Robin to the ground. Djaq and Will piled on top of the two men and joined in, as the knight stood over them all laughing.

Legrand felt the regrets of being left behind by his men and his queen disappear as he watched the camaraderie of the the outlaws.  He was going to enjoy being a member of the gang.


Two out of three Saracen healers recommend Denial for their patients who are fed up with canon.  The third healer got tied to a tree in the forest.

Now it's time for...Slash slash! Filthy, pr0ny Guy/Allan SLASH!

2x11, fic, denial - fic, roundrobin2009, denier: darkentwisted

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