Title: Shards
Author/Penname:Kainasilversbane (ME!)
Chapters: Chapter 4 WIP (EDITED!)
Pairings: FujitakaxKaho
Summary: It's a filler, Fujitaka pins Kaho to the floor and sex implications run rampant. Lil funny XD
Warning, Notes: Bloody in some parts
Link to previous chapter:
http://community.livejournal.com/reviewers_inc/6033.html#cutid1 old art
http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/34017549/ (WIP)
Disclaimer:CLAMP owns my soul, and I own nothing! XD
“Foreign Language”
Chapter 4
Kaho was awake and re-bandaging herself when Fujitaka wandered into the living room the next morning with a yawn. He seemed surprised to see her tightening the bandages around her left arm with her teeth, it seemed like an almost feral action on her.
“Open up at all last night?” He asked.
“A little, but nothing that needs immediate attention,” Kaho said as she allowed him to finish tying off the bandage. “How’s your chest?”
“Feels fine, thanks for asking,” Fujitaka answered.
“At least I know I can still do something,” Kaho smiled a little. “Oh, and…I’m sorry about last night, I wasn’t really in my right mind at the time.”
Fujitaka chuckled, “You had every reason to feel that way, we all know you’ve been through enough to possibly be twice as bad. Are you feeling any better?”
“About myself? Not really, but I’m not going to break down into one of those self degrading fits again, not for a while at least.” She gave him a pathetic smile, “So what are you and Sakura up to today?”
“We’re going to go and pick out a Christmas tree,” Fujitaka answered. “Care to tag along?”
“Can I?” Kaho was surprised he’d allow her to go anywhere.
“Of course! Fresh air and sunshine, though it’s cold outside, is the best medicine for recovery,” Fujitaka smiled, “Right?”
“Yes,” Kaho returned the smile.
“Now if I can just get you to eat,” he said as he stood and walked to the kitchen.
“I’ll just bring it back up,” Kaho said.
“Food is another medicine for recovery!” Fujitaka said in a sing song voice.
“Technicolor YAWN!” Kaho stuck with her resistance. “It’d be a waste.”
“Ew…” Fujitaka said, “Technicolor yawn…” that got a giggle out of her as she followed after him into the kitchen. “Where did you learn that from?”
“I taught elementary students, don’t forget,” Kaho pointed out.
“That’s right,” Fujitaka said as he started the rice cooker, a plan forming in his head. “You taught the small ones.”
“I taught your daughter,” Kaho said as she sat at the table and rested her chin on her arms. “That all seems so calm compared to all of this.”
“I’m sure it had it’s excitement,” Fujitaka said as he measure out rice and poured it into the cooker.
“More placid than you’d think,” Kaho said.
“I’m home!” Came a young male voice from the entryway and both adults blanched.
“You didn’t tell me Toya was coming home!” Kaho whispered harshly at Fujitaka.
“I kind of lost track of the time…” Fujitaka mumbled.
“Why does it smell like blood all ov-…hel-lo…” Toya said as he walked into the kitchen.
“Welcome home Toya,” Fujitaka said as Kaho tried to make herself looks as small as possible in her chair.
Toya ignored his father greeting and stared at Kaho, “What are you doing here?”
Kaho fidgeted in her seat, unsure of how to answer him.
“For now Toya, she is a guest here,” Fujitaka cut in quickly. “And right now I’m really trying to get her to eat something. She hasn’t eaten since yesterday morning and refuses to do so.”
Toya took a better look at the woman and was surprised to find her extremely pale and thin. Her normally glowing amber-gold eyes were as dull as tarnished bronze and were even a little clouded. “What’s been going on Dad?”
“If you help me force this food down her throat I’ll tell you,” Fujitaka said as he checked on the rice.
Toya studied his father and then Kaho for a moment.
Kaho whined at the prospect of having the two of them force feed her and made her escape, darting into the living room to get away.
“Hey! That’s not fair you had a head start!” Fujitaka said as he followed her, “Toya dish out some rice for me please!”
“Sure,” said the younger man as he walked over to the cooker and waited for the timer to go off. He chuckled when he heard a loud thud followed directly by an ‘oof’ from Kaho and figured his father and nimbly knocked the woman over and was probably sitting gently on her back to keep her from moving.
“You know people could get the wrong idea from this,” Kaho growled.
“I’m not worried,” Fujitaka chuckled.
Toya walked out with a small bowl of rice a few moments later and started laughing at the position the two were in. Kaho was flat on her back with Fujitaka straddling her hips and pinning her arms to her side. The woman was stuck and voiced her disapproval of the situation by spitting curses in English at them.
“You do realize I can understand all of those,” Fujitaka smiled as he took the bowl from Toya.
“Good then understand this one!” Kaho went off into a somewhat vulgar string of words until Fujitaka shoved a chunk of rice in her mouth.
“Ah, silence, so, what’s going on?” Toya asked as he sat by Kaho’s head to aid in getting her mouth open every so often.
“Remember that young man that shared his powers with me a few years ago?” Fujitaka asked and received a nod. “It seems after working in a newly discovered work room back in England he was possessed by a demon that is now bent on killing all of the people Eriol ever knew, starting with the first person it saw,” he looked down at Kaho who was trying to avoid the next chopstick full of rice. Toya tickled Kaho just under the corner of her jaw and she giggled, opening her mouth just wide enough for Fujitaka to pop in the next mouthful.
“So she came back here?” Toya looked down at Kaho. “I thought you’d be strong enough to be able to handle something like that.”
Kaho swallowed and dodged the next chunk, “I would have if I hadn’t been taken by surprise and hurt like I have been. But I also have the problem of the type of demon it is. Not only has it just possessed Eriol’s body, but it’s assimilated with him to the point that whatever happens to it, happens to Eriol as well. So until I can successfully extract the demon from Eriol I can’t do anything to it without hurting him.”
“You still care about him after all of this?” Toya asked.
“No, that part of our bond is gone unfortunately, but I still can’t bring myself to hurt him,” Fujitaka took his chance and shoved another mouthful between her teeth.
“Okay, next question, why does it smell like blood in this house!” Toya asked.
Fujitaka gave his son a serious look, “It’s neither mine nor Sakura’s so rest easy on that.” He looks down at Kaho with a frown.
“I’m fine…” Kaho mumbled after swallowing.
“So says the woman who passed out twice yesterday in the span of two hours,” Fujitaka said as he got more rice in her mouth.
“Mmmf…” Kaho grunted.
“Could you heal her?” Toya asked.
“A little. The wounds are old, but they stay fresh and bleeding because the demon wills them to,” Fujitaka said. “I can only keep them closed for a few hours at a time so we have to make due with tight dressings and frequent bandage changes.”
“And lots of laundry,” said Sakura as she walked into the living room, Tomoyo following. (A/N: She loves sleeping over, can you tell? Lol!)
“So that’s why she’s wearing your clothes,” Toya smirked, “And I was going to take that in another direction.” Kaho made a distressed noise at his comment and shook her head.
“No Toya, nothing like that,” Fujitaka assured him as he force the last of the rice down Kaho’s throat. He handed the bowl off to Toya who took it into the kitchen and released Kaho’s arms.
She scrubbed some of the stray grains of rice that had stuck to her face in her struggle and looked up at him, waiting for him to let her up. He chuckled as he did as she wished and she sat up with a sigh.
“Relax for a while, to make certain that what I just fed you stays in you,” Fujitaka said.
“Fat chance,” Kaho mumbled as she toddled over to the couch and plunked down on the side she’d unintentionally claimed as her bed.
“Why do you keep bringing up what you eat anyways?” Sakura asked.
“Too much for my system to handle,” Kaho answered. “Along with keeping myself free of infection, trying to heal itself, and keep me going at the same time, you’d assume I’d be packing in the calories, but unfortunately my body has just gotten confused on what’s what. Hopefully what your father so nicely forced into me is bland enough so my stomach doesn’t have to work to hard to keep it there.”
“If it does stay there, be prepared for me to do it again,” Fujitaka poked his head into the living room with a wicked grin.
“Sick bastard,” Kaho murmured.
“More dirty language? I’m beginning to think you don’t like me,” Fujitaka chuckled and Kaho made a face at him.
“What’d she say?” Sakura asked.
“Nothing you need to know,” Toya said, having caught the gist of Kaho’s cursing.
Sakura scowled at her brother as she stomped into the kitchen. They began to bicker over something, causing everyone else to chuckle.
Been edited once, but more crits are DEFINITELY appreciated!