General hellos

May 20, 2010 20:41


That statement up there, that's probably one of the few elements taken directly from a Torchwood tie-in novel that has ever made it into fanfiction. Next to the "naked invisible Ianto" it might also be one of the more discussed moments that the tie-in novels have offered a fandom that has always been starved for more Torchwood adventures.

Despite their arguable faults, the novels offer details and opportunities that the television canon hasn't, in terms of backstory, original characters and everyday Torchwood life.

To be honest, it seemed a bit of a shame that Almost Perfect and the naked invisible Ianto from Pack Animals were the only thing that stuck in people's mind from stories that have build a vast and varied playground of funny, little treasures through asides, one-liners and quirky conversations.

That's where the idea for the exchange comes from. No illusions, the book canon, especially because of the elements contradicting the television canon, will never be a popular playground, but just for one exchange it'd be nice to see people use the toys and mess around with them a bit, try to figure out how Torchwood fanfiction using the book canon, using the situations in a particular book, could be written and what it would look like.

Also, if you want to read the books in community and have awesome discussion about it, then check out retcon_bookclub!


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