
May 20, 2010 20:55

1. This is an anonymous fic exchange. Based on your sign-up you'll be assigned to write for a person and a person will be assigned to write for you.
2. The sign-up will take place from May 22nd to June 5th.
3. The sign-up form looks as follows: Provide a list of books you'd be willing to use for your story backdrop, a list of books you'd like to see used for a story backdrop. Include potentials and willing-to-read-this-in-near-futures with the first list just to open up options a bit. "Book" means the printed tie-in novels, not audio-only books or radio plays.

Sign-up form:

Books I Would Write Fiction For:
Books I Would Like To See Fiction For: [3]
Pinchhitting: [y/n]

You'll be assigned who to write for on the basis of the books you're willing to write for. Everything else goes, and no other preferences will be taken into account for the assignment. It should be fun, yeah?

4. You'll receive your assignment on June 7th, assignments are due on September 15th.
5. Minimum wordcount is 1000 words, there is no maximum wordcount.
6. On September 10th you'll get the password for this account
7. September 15th to September 25th: you'll post your story with this account in this account for your recipient. To assure anonymous posting and minimize organizational effort this isn't set up as a community but as a journal that you can use to post your own entry into, hence removing your name from it. Think of it as a trust fall exercise. I'll leave it up to you when to post within that timeframe, there's no date assignment.
8. Should you have to drop out, just drop me an email. No hard feelings, we all have lives, etc.

Mod: cruentum, Helper: amand_r


Hellos - Rules - Sign-ups


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