FIC: Stay (Yagyuu-centric, R)

Jul 17, 2008 08:09

Author: Ociwen
Title: Stay
Wordcount: 8800
Rating: R
Warnings: Chinese food and dinosaurs.
Disclaimer: The Prince of Tennis is owned by Konomi Takeshi. No profit is made from this piece of fan fiction.
Summary: Niou disappears one day. Yagyuu isn't sure if he cares.
Author's Notes: Thanks to illuminations and longleggedgit, as well as koneko_meow for the beta. This fic was written for ( Read more... )

d1, yagyuu, tenipuri

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Comments 18

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reposoir July 21 2008, 23:26:10 UTC

Thank you so much!


cinoberis July 18 2008, 19:43:55 UTC
*starts reading*

Warnings: Chinese food and dinosaurs.

glad you warned me


ensein July 18 2008, 19:57:27 UTC
This feels different than your other fics, somehow. More melancholic, more... I don't know. Rainy. Hell, there's even Johnny Cash. I don't know, maybe it's the POV?.. Oh, did you write this back in Canada, or after you went to Japan?

I love your Niou. You're partially to blame for how much I came to like Niou, actually - it started with Six Percent, I think - started looking him differently and getting him. I need to start RF soon, because I'm seriously curious what you did there.

The Sanada scene reminded me of this one old joke about Stalin, but then that's to be expected of me. I had weird thoughts about Sanada's apples, too.

I know this is Yagyuu-centric, but tbh, I read it more for Niou - nad loved what I read. Lovely gift.


reposoir July 21 2008, 23:27:53 UTC
This was written in Canada. Japan sucks my will to write away...

Eheh. RF is a behemoth. You aren't missing much. Niou is mostly the same in all my fics. And I'm very glad that you like him now. &hearts

Thank you so much!

(Sanada's apples?)


ensein July 22 2008, 00:17:45 UTC
Ah, sorry, that may be a Polish thing - "apples" are another word for "balls" here. You don't hear it often - you rarely hear it, in fact - but I'll take whatever chance to be twelve I can get...


cinoberis July 18 2008, 20:31:16 UTC

i like it


reposoir July 21 2008, 23:26:23 UTC


cinoberis July 21 2008, 23:28:17 UTC
(let's make out)


iceshade July 25 2008, 23:48:36 UTC
::fangirls:: OMG I LOVE THIS!!!! T________T ::/fangirling:: ...I'm all teary now :3
any D1 is good d1, especially if it has seme!yagyuu and is written by someone who's fics I like. I adore your yagyuu and your niou, and together even more so, and now I REALLY can't wait for the d1 version of the semi-AU-thing where niou is a girl (and bears an army of mini-yagyuus) XD

you megane retard --for some reason that one of my favorite lines, I can totally see niou saying that (even i that situation), and it really balanced out all the angst. I love angst, really, and this definitely has satisfied my craving for a good angst fic. the emotion here was raw abd powerful, and I love how you showed the progression in yagyuu and then niou's pain in the end. niou is my favorite character, but I love how you still gave him a happy ending. hugs <3


reposoir July 30 2008, 23:18:19 UTC
Aw, thank you so much for the kind words!

Happy ending? Really? Eheh. Maybe they drowned themselves in the ocean together...;)


iceshade July 31 2008, 11:51:09 UTC
but they're still together. and that's what made it a happy ending for me X3
there really are so few good fics out there with yagyuu as the central character


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