Drabble-age (788 words, Marui + Co-Ed Teams, G)

Jun 01, 2008 16:11

Title: On Co-Ed Teams
Author: Ociwen
Rating: G
Wordcount: 788
Disclaimer: Konomi owns all.
Summary: Marui believes in co-ed teams. No one else, however, does.

'There's no co-ed teams at the Nationals...' )

higa, niou + marui, jackal is hot, drabble, tenipuri

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Comments 23

mayezinha June 2 2008, 07:14:08 UTC
Oh, God, when you said hot chick, blonde and snaggleteeth I was almost LOLing like mad.

Their captain's pants were so tight that Jackal knew he'd have nightmares about panty lines for years

But this made my night. It's better to have panty lines than none of them... right?

Poor Rinrin, but maybe he's used to that now.

Thanks for the drabble, Allison, put a smile on my face before sleep! :D


reposoir June 2 2008, 13:52:31 UTC
You know I have to get digs in about those captainpants somehow...>;)

Yasuka's teeth on Rin HAVE to be canon. Same as Fuji with Aiba!teeth (old school Aiba!teeth anyway)

Unfortunately, Kai refuses to viking horn Marui to the head for Rin. Because he's laughing his ass off too. Until Kite pulls out the goya and....

Thanks Maye! &hearts


setra June 2 2008, 17:43:54 UTC
This is so terribly perfect.
Also... this must be Yasuka!Rin because he always had perfect teeth in the manga and anime. ^^ That only makes it better. &hearts
Also... you included Kite's pants and I love you for it.


reposoir June 2 2008, 19:26:38 UTC
Canon Rin now has bad teeth because of Yasuka- aren't myus awful that way? ;D

Thank you!


ensein June 2 2008, 18:19:07 UTC
maybe her ass was a bit flat, but we can always work on that-"
*snort* Reminds me of what you used to say about girls who had big asses in high school. (I'M SORRY)

Now I can't stop seeing Yasuka as a fugly girl. Thank you. ;D (also, lol. Marui should totally bring a chick like that to practice one day. HAI GUISE THIS IS NATSUKO-CHAN!!!.)


reposoir June 2 2008, 19:28:06 UTC



*dies and dies*

Don't give me more ideas about hetero!Marui ;D ;D ;D

(Thank you! &hearts )


ensein June 2 2008, 19:47:56 UTC
I'm also rather fond of this one.

(Yes I will. Just wait till I'm done with the diploma crap. ;D)


iceshade June 2 2008, 18:45:43 UTC
Their purple outfits were blinding. Their captain's pants were so tight that Jackal knew he'd have nightmares about panty lines for years
KITE PANTS! possibly my favorite part of the whole fic...
and now I really wish I had some way of seeing dl5 now :(
love it.


reposoir June 2 2008, 19:34:08 UTC
Kite's pants are terrifying...:O

Thank you!

(DL5 is on the comms for download, and I think it's on youtube, as well as nicovideo by now...)


iceshade June 2 2008, 22:35:15 UTC
YES!!! (it's not on youtube though, I can't find it)
perhaps I'm looking in the wrong communities... (help, please?)


reposoir June 3 2008, 00:21:37 UTC
Is it not on tenipuri_myu? It's been floating around individual's posts, I know for a fact, but I thought it had been uploaded at the community as well...hm...


platinumpair June 2 2008, 19:45:01 UTC
"Super hot chick?" Jackal asked.

Marui collapsed down to the ground by the roots of the tree. He swayed back and forth on his heels, moaning and shaking his head. "My heterosexuality…has been ruined…co-ed team…so confused…" Marui moaned some more.

Between bursts of laughter, Niou sputtered, "There's not such…thing…as co-ed teams!" He looked at Jackal and wheezed. Niou collapsed to the ground beside Marui, but he was doubled up at the middle and clutching his sides.

You make my day with any of your fics, Marui should get his eyes checked.


reposoir June 2 2008, 20:38:33 UTC

Thank you so much! If your day is better because of these silly things, then I'm thrilled!

(Let's not discuss Marui's various other genius mistakes, including the 10 year old girl and the senior citizen...;)


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