Drabble-age (788 words, Marui + Co-Ed Teams, G)

Jun 01, 2008 16:11

Title: On Co-Ed Teams
Author: Ociwen
Rating: G
Wordcount: 788
Disclaimer: Konomi owns all.
Summary: Marui believes in co-ed teams. No one else, however, does.

'There's no co-ed teams at the Nationals...' )

higa, niou + marui, jackal is hot, drabble, tenipuri

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Comments 23

anonymous June 2 2008, 23:02:37 UTC
WIN! &hearts

I love how you treat Myu!Canon as Manga!Canon because I have such a terrible habit of doing that too, lol.

Poor pretty Rin and confused Mauri...

This was so cute!


anonymous June 2 2008, 23:03:39 UTC
Aww, my little heart didn't show up! So.. *HEARTS*


reposoir June 3 2008, 00:27:53 UTC

Thank you so very much!

At this point, the myu!canon has melded into canon canon in my world. So Fuji and Rin both have awful teeth and...;)


aoiyuzu June 3 2008, 06:36:02 UTC

She had, like, this snaggletooth on the top and okay, maybe her ass was a bit flat, but we can always work on that-"
I was already dead by this point.

Oh my god... Higa and Marui. Genius. I have to admit though, as horrifyingly tight as Kite's pants are, Luke has a pretty nice ass. >:D


reposoir June 3 2008, 18:13:16 UTC
Luke C scares the shit out of me, pants or no pants. D: D: D:

Thank you so much, B! Glad to provide a laugh or two...


tokyolights June 3 2008, 14:37:37 UTC
*pats Marui*

Did his genius leave him? ;)

Also, the snaggletooth ♥ You made my day, really!


reposoir June 3 2008, 18:12:29 UTC
Marui's Genius was off that day. It was that whole Nagoya Seitoku whatever gaijin team that threw him off, you know, with the deliberate LOSING! ;D

Thank you so much, Le! &hearts


leviosa8 January 4 2009, 23:49:47 UTC
Hahahaha. I didn't see it coming at first, as I was lost in context, so it was all the more amusing. I like a lot how you portray Marui and Jackal's friendship, and make the "genius" make an ass of himself. (Like in the "I don't like your girlfriend" story, "The Best Damn Thing" :D)


reposoir January 6 2009, 01:14:06 UTC
It was inspired by Yasuka's awful teeth. And the fact he looks so girly. It could get confusing. ;)

Marui's Genius brings such joy that, really, is too much fun to play with, and I am thrilled you enjoy it too! Thank you so much, Levi!


(The comment has been removed)

reposoir February 9 2009, 22:14:06 UTC
Hee, thanks! :D


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