Drabble-age (870 words, Totaled- YanaKiri + car crash)

Dec 17, 2007 09:41

Title: Totaled
Author: Ociwen
Wordcount: 870
Rating: PG13
Warning: Tasteless car crash humour.
Disclaimer: Konomi owns all.
Summary: Yanagi and Kirihara total a car. Oops.
Author's Notes: Written for pixxers. &hearts

'My parents are gonna think it was my fault...' )

yanakiri, drabble, tenipuri

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Comments 12

platinumpair December 17 2007, 18:59:07 UTC
That was awesome! Yanagi stole his dad's car and totaled it.

Not something you would see Yanagi doing.


reposoir December 25 2007, 00:40:44 UTC
Well...I admit, I've appropriated the idea of Yanagi loving cars because his myu actor loves cars. Yanagi needs some spice in his life ;)

Thanks, platinumpair! :)


aoiyuzu December 17 2007, 22:29:28 UTC
Only in a world where twelve year old losers could beat Sanada-fukubuchou at tennis could Kirihara and Yanagi-senpai have walked away with not much more than a few bruises and a gash over Kirihara’s eye.

Oh how true... XD

This entire situation is so ridiculously funny. Kind of reminds me of something Kento and Genki would do Akaya was just the right about of cute~ :D Renji definitely has some balls to take his dad's car and let Akaya give him a handjob while driving. >;DD


reposoir December 25 2007, 00:41:29 UTC
I would never, EVER imagine Kento as Renji, Bethany...for shame! ;P

Thank you so much!


setra December 18 2007, 01:12:23 UTC
For The Win.
For some reason, I find slightly-disoriented brain-scrambled Yanagi to be the most endearing and amusing thing ever. ^^

Also, I'm going to agree with aoiyuzu above about the Ryoma beating Sanada line. Pure genius. &hearts


reposoir December 25 2007, 00:42:43 UTC

I can be rather tensai-like sometimes....;D

Thanks Setra! I'm glad you found brain scrambled!Renji amusing and endearing. I hadn't thought he was that scrambled as I wrote it, but it makes sense in hindsight ;)


mayezinha December 18 2007, 01:54:51 UTC
Just to words:

Ferrari Cool!!


In a Yanakiri perfect world, it could happen. XD Not always handjobs are sucesful, right?

(And a nice one to cheer up Pix, ne? :))


reposoir December 25 2007, 00:43:18 UTC
I try, Maye, I try. ;D

*revs engine in thanks*


tokyolights December 19 2007, 20:59:51 UTC
Kirihara whipped his head around. “You’re not supposed to say that! You’re supposed to tell me it’ll be okay!” ♥

That was awesome. Yanagi stealing his dad's car made me grin <33


reposoir December 25 2007, 00:44:01 UTC
Fandom should step out of the box and give Renji some fun hobbies sometime. Kento is a good starting point for inspiration, imo, Leonie. ;D

Thank you!!


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