Drabble-age (870 words, Totaled- YanaKiri + car crash)

Dec 17, 2007 09:41

Title: Totaled
Author: Ociwen
Wordcount: 870
Rating: PG13
Warning: Tasteless car crash humour.
Disclaimer: Konomi owns all.
Summary: Yanagi and Kirihara total a car. Oops.
Author's Notes: Written for pixxers. &hearts

The car was totaled. Flipped over in a ditch, front hood smashed in, roof crushed, passenger side door nearly ripped off, windshield…what windshield?

Only in a world where twelve year old losers could beat Sanada-fukubuchou at tennis could Kirihara and Yanagi-senpai have walked away with not much more than a few bruises and a gash over Kirihara’s eye.

“Your dad’s gonna kill you,” Kirihara mumbled. His lip was cut and puffy and kinda hurt, but he was okay. The car…he saw the tow truck come and take it away. There was no way the Ferrari could be salvaged, as far as Kirihara could tell.

“Yes,” Yanagi-senpai said.

“My parents are gonna think it was my fault,” Kirihara said. He toed the edge of the seat in the hospital lobby, scuffing his sneaker up. “I guess it kinda was…”

“Yes,” Yanagi-senpai said.

Kirihara whipped his head around. “You’re not supposed to say that! You’re supposed to tell me it’ll be okay!”

Yanagi-senpai wasn’t hurt much, either, except he had two stitches on his earlobe. With the blood crusting on the stitches, Kirihara thought they looked kinda badass on his senpai. But he was pouting and wouldn’t say that out loud or anything because that would be gay.

And after what happened today, doing more gay stuff was off his agenda. Flipping cars was cool in Grand Theft Auto, but not in real life.

Yanagi-senpai hummed and leaned over, just a bit, to pat Kirihara on the shoulder. “We don’t need to tell them what actually happened,” he said. “I lost control of the car. The road was slippery.”

“Uh…” Kirihara scratched his head. He craned his neck, but that made it pinch so he slumped his shoulders down and slid into his seat further. “Uh, it was sunny out today, senpai.”

“Yes,” Yanagi-senpai said.

Obviously the crash did something to his senpai’s brain. Sloshed it around or something. It gave Kirihara a headache to think too hard about it, so he gave up and sighed instead. His bitch sister hadn’t returned the message he left on her cell for her to come and pick him and Yanagi-senpai up from the Yokohama General Hospital. The stupid nurses wouldn’t let Kirihara and his senpai discharge themselves. “You two boys are underage,” the one said. “You need a legal adult to come and pick you up.”

Kirihara narrowed his eyes. All women sucked. Guess it’s a good thing I don’t like them…

Still, it had been fun to go cruising with his senpai. Their first date, sorta. Going 130 down the expressway. Kirihara snickered, remembering the feeling of flip-flopping elation when they whizzed past the scooters and little white sedans. Yanagi-senpai’s dad’s car was awesome: a red Ferrari. Just the sort of car cool people drive. Like Kirihara’s favourite character in Yakuza Street Assassins.

And, just like his favourite character, Kirihara thought it would be cool to have a bitch give him a handjob. Or, well, he supposed he was the bitch in question but no one needed to know that at the time, only now he somehow was going to have to come up with some good lie because he couldn’t exactly tell his parents or Yanagi-senpai’s parents that actually his hand was down Yanagi-senpai’s pants and then Yanagi-senpai squirmed and panted and…

Then the car flipped over.

Kirihara rubbed the toes of his sneakers together. He stuck out his bottom lip, but that hurt so he ground his teeth. Can’t even pout right now! Idiot!

Yanagi-senpai, though, didn’t seem to mind much. He patted Kirihara’s shoulder again and pulled him close, curling his arm around Kirihara’s head to lay it on his chest. “It’ll be fine,” he said. “I’ll tell them that someone called me and I got distracted.”

“Like that megane data freak you used to be friends with?”

Yanagi-senpai made a choking noise. His cheeks went all splotchy with pink. “Something like that.”

“You still kinda stole their car and drove without a license,” Kirihara mumbled into Yanagi-senpai’s sweatervest. The wool made his nose itch, but his senpai felt good, solid and warm and Kirihara could hear his heart beating, a reminder that they were still okay, still alive and talking and walking and sitting in uncomfortable plastic bucket seats in the hospital lobby waiting for his bitchy sister to show up.

“Akaya?” Yanagi-senpai said.

Kirihara lifted his eyes. Yanagi-senpai was smiling. The band-aid on his cheek crinkled at the sides. “You have to put it all into perspective,” he said. “We’re fine, it’s fine. It’s just a car.” His senpai stopped talking for a moment and his fingers on Kirihara’s shoulder dug a little deeper, pulled him a little closer. “I’m glad it was you there with me today.”

“It would have been a great…” Kirihara dropped his voice before he said, “date”.

Yanagi-sepai nodded. “It would have been. Maybe we’ll be able to make it up when I get my license in a couple years, ne?”

Kirihara wasn’t all that sure there would be the same thrill driving legally with Yanagi-senpai, but he smiled back anyway and buried his face into Yanagi-senpai’s itchy wool sweater. As long as they could drive together, it would be cool for him.

yanakiri, drabble, tenipuri

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