Screen-shot it or it didn't happen

Jun 25, 2009 21:13

So the gaijin smash guy once said that the reason why Japanese women are consistently more popular among foreigners than Japanese men is because if you sleep with a Japanese woman, you wake up to find that she's cooked you breakfast and cleaned your house. If you sleep with a Japanese man, you wake up to find that he's used all your hairspray.

This is not entirely true... )

gay stuff, nichoume adventures, hotness, dating, trannie stuff

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Comments 18

katekat1010 June 26 2009, 02:46:12 UTC
It sounds like it went well. Right? I'm not totally sure because there's no post paragraph of squeeing at the end? But he's dreamy-gorgeous and Daria and I just had a conversation about how the two of you getting together is a match of lovely+lovely. Your american audience applauds you!


replicant_rasa June 26 2009, 02:56:24 UTC
Ahh. I guess I'm having trouble getting truly excited because it all seems too good to be true. I keep waiting for him to notice that he's totally hot and could do better than me. Which -- I know -- sounds like a cry for help or digging for compliments or something, and intellectually I know that I've got lots of other things going for me, but that's the gut reaction. Transitioning wreaks hell on your self-esteem, and I'm still finding it difficult to believe that he's actually interested in me. Him being understated + me being insecure makes it difficult to be effusively, uncomplicatedly happy.

But he's volunteered to cook okonomiyaki when Shelley and I have our house-warming party! I think that's a good sign.


ww0308 June 26 2009, 03:52:37 UTC
Good sign indeed!

I think Gabriel just doesn't really do much squeeing, gay or not.


numinicious June 26 2009, 19:15:36 UTC
But he's volunteered to cook okonomiyaki when Shelley and I have our house-warming party! I think that's a good sign.

He is a keeper.


azhchay June 26 2009, 03:41:27 UTC
Holy hell! He is absolutely gorgeous! (and you know me, not really one for the asians)

You know, I haven't seen a picture of you since you transitioned. But I can imagine, and my imagination has y'all being really gorgeous together.

I've got nothing else to say that you probably already haven't said to yourself. Even if it does turn out to be "too good to be true", well, relax and have fun while it lasts!

Damn he's hot...


ww0308 June 26 2009, 03:53:48 UTC
Good point about pics of you. Are you taking face pics monthly in the same angle and lighting, for comparison? I'd be utterly helpless to resist doing that if I was transitioning. It'd be fascinating.


ww0308 June 26 2009, 03:54:06 UTC
I a *so* glad to hear it never works at discouraging people, and in particular didn't discourage Yuuto! Your dating prospects are still rosy as always, then.

Silent Hill, though? Weird!

Anyway, all in all, AWESOME. Good for you two!


replicant_rasa June 26 2009, 04:14:17 UTC
Hah, now that you mention it, Silent Hill doesn't exactly make the top ten of "movies to cuddle to."

Miyamoto-sensei gave it to me, and I couldn't exactly tell her, GAAH I hate horror movies >_< !! Apparently Yuuto likes horror though, and I figured there was no better time to watch it than when I had a cute boy to snuggle up with. Also, it turned out to be not that scary, though admittedly I wasn't giving it 100% of my attention. XD


(The comment has been removed)

replicant_rasa June 26 2009, 04:19:42 UTC
Oh no, bisexual is great! I'm just saying that in my case, "I don't know" might be even better. I think they will cautiously assume interest unless you pull the jackass "Oh. Well I'm interested in men" thing.


autumn_belias June 26 2009, 06:17:52 UTC
oh my, he's cute! and has great hair O_O

sounds great, I'm happy for you :D
and thanks for letting us know, I was wondering how things had turned out after we'd talked the other day.


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