Screen-shot it or it didn't happen

Jun 25, 2009 21:13

So the gaijin smash guy once said that the reason why Japanese women are consistently more popular among foreigners than Japanese men is because if you sleep with a Japanese woman, you wake up to find that she's cooked you breakfast and cleaned your house. If you sleep with a Japanese man, you wake up to find that he's used all your hairspray.

This is not entirely true... )

gay stuff, nichoume adventures, hotness, dating, trannie stuff

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Comments 18

cafeleshay June 26 2009, 13:29:09 UTC
Oooh, he is cute. Good for you! Glad to hear things are going well, especially after your last post.


februaryfour June 26 2009, 14:16:12 UTC
♥ CONGRATULATIONS. (And man, he's cute. ^_^)


numinicious June 26 2009, 19:14:34 UTC
I scrolled down to comment about your sore throat and spend a million hours apologizing because I probably gave it to you and oh there is a Yuuto on your LJ and he is just as adorable as I remember him!

Sorry I'm going to girl-crush on your man right now. :3

( also I am really very sorry if I did give you my cold. D: )
( also tell Yuuto I said hi! :D )


replicant_rasa June 26 2009, 22:52:22 UTC
Haha, I'm just going to be sorry if I give Yuuto your cold. XD And trust me, I bear you no ill-will, because I think if you hadn't been there I wouldn't have been ballsy enough to dance/talk with him. So, SANKYUU!


kikucutie June 27 2009, 01:19:42 UTC
I'm happy to hear the awesome news! Congrats!


ontogenesis June 29 2009, 00:39:36 UTC
Wow, he's cute. Good luck, and I hope that y'all can be good friends at the very least.


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