I remember singing "Christ Is Risin" in church (many years back). Your love of the Byzantine religion makes me want to go back to church so bad. God Bless.
Last week, eating lunch with a fellow adjunct faculty member here at this evangelical college (who knows of my Orthodox journey) said, "why don't you say an Orthodox prayer [of blessing for the food]."
I didn't know any particular one, so I just prayed a blessing as I'm used to at dinners. I guess there certainly wasn't anything un-orthodox about it. =)
Just wondering if you know a traditional table grace.
O, Christ God, bless the food and drink of your servants, for you are holy now and ever and forever"
I didn't actually know it until last year (growing up with a Roman dad, and all). That is our basic meal prayer, and I hear the Orthodox one is basically the same, but it has slightly different wording depending on your cultural tradition. At each time of day there are little additions, but for the most part that is simply what we say.
Comments 7
Last week, eating lunch with a fellow adjunct faculty member here at this evangelical college (who knows of my Orthodox journey) said, "why don't you say an Orthodox prayer [of blessing for the food]."
I didn't know any particular one, so I just prayed a blessing as I'm used to at dinners. I guess there certainly wasn't anything un-orthodox about it. =)
Just wondering if you know a traditional table grace.
O, Christ God, bless the food and drink of your servants, for you are holy now and ever and forever"
I didn't actually know it until last year (growing up with a Roman dad, and all). That is our basic meal prayer, and I hear the Orthodox one is basically the same, but it has slightly different wording depending on your cultural tradition.
At each time of day there are little additions, but for the most part that is simply what we say.
I looooooooooooooooooooove Resurrection Sunday too.
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