Christos Voskrese!

Mar 27, 2005 14:26

Christos Voskrese!
Christos Anesthi!
Christ is Risen!

I love today. It is the celebration of the heart of my religion; my world view and life understanding.
I love how Fr. Jo swings the incense in circles, and I love how the Gospel is read in four languages to the four directions of the world. The Boi and I will be singing "Christ is risen from the dead; by death he conquered death, and to those in the graves he granted Life..." all day and for weeks. Probably in the shower, too. We came home and ate Pascha and special Easter sausage and eggs with cheese and cookies.

I am so grateful for my religious community (near and far) and super-neat-o people in my life. I am glad to be surrounded by a culture of Life.

addendum: At the supper we attended with family and some friends (almost all secular non-religious folks), I was asked to give the blessing before the meal. I got slightly embarrassed (all secular and the lil' Byzantines a prayin'), but I looked at the Boi and we did it together. It was a good thing, and we said our eastern blessing with the addendum "may it (the meal) strengthen us in body and soul, may it strengthen our union with each other in you (Christ)".
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