Round 6 - Sign-ups for Remixers

May 01, 2009 14:05

Sign up on this post if you would like to write a remix of someone else's fic in 100 words.

Tell us how many remixes you would like to write (one, two, or three) and we will send you that many assignments, expecting you to write (at least) one drabble for each person.

List the three fandoms you'd most like to write (in order by preference) and then other fandoms you're willing to try in a pinch. We only require you to sign up for one fandom, but the more you list, the easier it will be for us to match you with a remixee. If you write for a small fandom or one that hasn't been part of this ficathon before, try to get other people from your fandom to sign up as remixees so you'll have some material to work with.

Please write out the name of each fandom rather than abbreviating (ex.: Lord of the Rings rather than LotR). [ETA: List Canadian shows separately rather than as C6D.] List related series like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel or Doctor Who and Torchwood as separate fandoms (rather than as Buffy/Angel or DW/TW). If you're listing Doctor Who, please specify Classic and/or New Who. Apart from that (and possible other exceptions which you should tell me about), we do matches based only on fandom, not genres or pairings, so please only sign up to write a fandom if you're flexible about writing any characters or pairings (het, slash, etc.) within it.

Please copy and paste this text into a comment with your information filled in. The first comment on this page is filled out with my (sophinisba's) info as an example.
How many remixes I’d like to write:
Top three fandoms I’d like to write in:
Other fandoms I’m willing to write in:
Pinch hit?

Saying "yes" on the pinch-hit line doesn't commit you to writing a pinch hit, just means that if we send out e-mails looking for pinch hitters we'll include you on the list.

Drabble Purist Round: All remixes for round 6 must be exactly 100 words long. I am serious. You can write more than one remix, but each remix should be just one drabble, not a set. Watch out for text editors that sometimes count em-dashes and other punctuation as separate words in the displayed wordcount. If exact wordcounts are not your thing, you might want to wait for the next round.

Sign-ups are open until midnight Central US time on Monday, May 11th. Assignments will go out on May 12th or 13th. You will need to e-mail us your drabbles by midnight June 10th. We'll have a few more days for organizing and pinch-hits, and once we have something for everyone we'll post the drabbles anonymously over the course of a week or so. At the end of the week, we'll reveal the authors' names. As such, this is a secret challenge so please don't talk about your assignment, and be sneaky when it's time to get your drabble(s) betaed.

Sign-ups for REMIXEES on this post -- sign up there if you want someone else to remix your fic (most people do both, but it's not required). More information about remixes in general and the rules for remixthedrabble are on our profile page.

ETA: Sign-ups are now closed and assignments have been sent out. Thank you, everyone!

-round 6-, - sign ups -, # mod talk #

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