Hard Core Logo: Cry Wolf (The Teeth & Tissue Remix)

Nov 18, 2008 23:28

Original Fic: Howl, by akamine_chan
Remix: Cry Wolf (The Teeth & Tissue Remix) [Joe/Billy, 350 Words, Rated R for language, violence], by simplystars (Note: sequel is Whatchagonnado (The Pathetic Pair Remix))

Joe has always needed Billy. He's never been happy about it - he's afraid because of it, Billy realizes one day, an epiphany that neatly clears up so much about Joe that's either confused the fuck out of Billy or pissed him off beyond words.

Joe's got nobody else, and Billy doesn't either, really; so it falls to him when Joe comes staggering back to the motel room soaked in blood, laughing his ass off. While Billy swears and half-carries him over to collapse on the creaky bed, Joe pulls off his ball cap (the brim looks like it's been through a fucking shredder) and steals Billy's cowboy hat, plopping it over his face while Billy scrambles for towels in the elbow-banging closet of a bathroom.

"Jesus fuck, Joe," Billy says weakly. Joe's t-shirt is wet with bright red blood, still warm - and that's when Billy sees the mess that used to be Joe's neck.

At that moment, Billy can't imagine any way for Joe - for anybody - to survive a wound like that, ragged edges steadily leaking red, staining the cheap polyester bedcover, running in a narrow rivulet to drip a bloody puddle on the carpet. But he knows it's up to him to take care of Joe.

And he will. He'll stare, speechless and disbelieving, as the bite marks on Joe's neck (where he'd been fucking gnawed like a steak) heal in the moonlight. He'll chain-smoke an entire pack of cigarettes, but leave the rest of the beer untouched. He'll hide the ruined clothes and bedding and not give a fuck about the carpet, and when Joe wakes up without a single fucking clue or a hangover the next morning, Billy will keep quiet about Joe's impossible rambling explanation from the night before.

And when the next full moon rises, and Joe's body turns against him, Billy will be there to get him the fuck out of there, into the safety and freedom of what little scrap of wilderness Billy's been able to find. Somewhere Joe can run wild and long and hard - and maybe, for once, be happy.

remix author: simplystars, original author: akamine_chan, fandom: hard core logo, -round 5-

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