Torchwood: Obedience (The Ties That Bind Remix)

Nov 18, 2008 23:20

Original Fic: Tie and Braces, by emmademarais
Remix: Obedience (The Ties That Bind Remix) [Jack/Ianto, 359 Words, Rated R], by simplystars

Ianto obeys. He always obeys.

Jack finds it fascinating. He finds Ianto fascinating - mysterious in ways the others can't even begin to fathom. They might look, but they don't see. Ianto fetches and carries, researches and files, makes the coffee and disposes of the bodies. He cleans up their shit. He follows orders to the letter and the others just assume the way Ianto acts reflects the way Ianto is.

Jack knows better.

Gwen's staunch forgiveness, Tosh's compassionate understanding, Owen's scrupulous professionalism afterward - they'd thought of what happened with Lisa as an end, a door slammed shut on a tragic aberration in the smooth-as-glass course of Ianto's unremarkable life.

Jack knows it was only the beginning.

He reckons he could spend the rest of a lifetime - he's got plenty of that - puzzling out the enigmatic Mr. Jones. Jack never wastes an opportunity, especially when it all but falls into his lap.

Sometimes even that. Tugging Ianto near, drawing him down to straddle Jack's lap, Jack's hand wrapping around the brand new pinstriped necktie - Love the tie. Now hand it over. And Ianto does so immediately, fumbling with the knot as his nimble fingers tremble just the slightest bit.

Ianto's self-control is formidable. Jack enjoys the challenge of battering away at it, employing a variety of weapons from his considerable arsenal. Warm breath bathing the nape of Ianto's neck; the tip of a single finger stroking along the close-shorn hairline. Jack's solid body pressed full-length against Ianto's, lips brushing the spot just behind his ear; coming up behind Ianto to slip strong arms around his waist, one hand sliding up to work the buttons of his waistcoat while the other descends to trace his shape through impeccably tailored trousers. Stealing away Ianto's tie to restrain his hands as Jack's kiss swallows hard-won cries of passion; silk-bound skin or silk-covered eyes. Ianto nude and trembling in need as Jack disrobes at his leisure, knowing each rustle and whisper of clothing drives Ianto that much closer -

One day, Ianto will ask for what he wants, what he needs.

When the day comes that he finally trusts Jack, he will even beg.

original author: emmademarais, remix author: simplystars, fandom: torchwood, -round 5-

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