Title: Like an Onion Inside Out (The Doctor, the Queen, and the TARDIS Remix) (The Chronicles of Narnia and Doctor Who; The Doctor/Susan Pevensie; PG-13)
Title: Like an Onion Inside Out (The Doctor, the Queen, and the TARDIS Remix)
spiralledsSummary: Sometimes endings are just the beginning
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Comments 41
things wot i <3
-"He's not a tame Doctor, is he?" she murmured to herself as she carried it back to his bedside and turned the pages.
-omg the details about the media hounding her after the train crash. 'baa baa black sheep' omg. eeee!
-a wee bit ginger! and scottish!
-"Nothing," she said, crossing her arms and trying hard to look serious, "goes with haggis. And if we're going to travel together, let's not compare ourselves with haggis ever, all right?" heee.
-Susan wrapped her arms around herself and thought of Narnia.
-Sleepily, she told him, "Your heartbeat; it's syncopated."
"Got two of 'em. I told you that, dinnae I?"
She smiled and kissed his chest twice.
-"That would be a crownin' glory, wouldn't it?" eee!
In short, OMG YAY. It's not the story I was telling (mostly because hi, I'm Betsy and I like angst! *headdesk*) but it's beautiful and so wonderful and omg I love Susan/The Doctor SO FRICKING MUCH.
<33333333 ( ... )
And line quotage is always of the good!
And yes, the older I get, the more sympathetic I am to Susan and what life would be like from her point of view.
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