Title: Like an Onion Inside Out (The Doctor, the Queen, and the TARDIS Remix) (The Chronicles of Narnia and Doctor Who; The Doctor/Susan Pevensie; PG-13)
Title: Like an Onion Inside Out (The Doctor, the Queen, and the TARDIS Remix)
spiralledsSummary: Sometimes endings are just the beginning
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Comments 41
it's a great remix, firstly - taking what was an interesting concept and a weird pairing from the original and making sense of all those tiny moments - did it fit together easily, or were you sitting there with sentences printed out on tiny bits of paper?
secondly - it's also a great story and i grinned like a loon when aslan showed up and quoted brigadoon and called the doctor a child and his reaction to that (which is so good, particularly after all this lonely god stuff we have to put up with at the moment). oh, and obviously, this thirteen is just so scottish and lovely, and obviously different, but also obviously the doctor. great canon doctors too - absolutely voice-perfect, and i love the bit where rose asks whether she'd still be along for the ride if susan had said yes. fantastic, as it were.
As for the reorganizing of the original story, it mainly just clicked. There were times I had the original right next to me to weave things in, but at the point that I started writing, I knew in the big picture what I wanted to do.
Originally I wasn't going to remix it, as I hadn't done many crossovers and I'd never written in either the Doctor Who or Narnia fandoms, but the idea of the original story as well as what I'd do with it (the multiple meetings, the Doctor's last regeneration) just wouldn't go away, so here we are.
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