Title: Grounded (This Is Not My Beautiful Life Mix)
kyuuketsukiruiSummary: It's not the life she wants, but it's the only one she can imagine having.
Rating: R
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Ginny/Luna, Ginny/Harry
Original story:
Just Like Flying by
isiscolo (
Grounded (This Is Not My Beautiful Life Mix) )
Comments 13
I hope she does tell the truth, finally. I hope she can find a way to be happy.
It's weird, at this point I've read a bunch of fics about Harry realizing he's gay after years of marriage but I've never thought that way about Ginny and what she might be missing out on by...making her life into Harry's fantasy of a happy family. D: I can totally see him acting that way, just not getting it.
The part where she sees the picture of Titania and Luna breaks my heart.
This really broke my heart. As someone else has noted, it's nice (well, not literally nice, but) to see *Ginny* as the closeted one for once, and I'm glad you wrote that last line -- you made me really want her to stop hiding. Fantastic job.
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