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Comments 21

eter00 June 18 2010, 11:53:08 UTC
considering you just replied to my last comment, I don't have to worry? I hope so? lol, way to go girl, I was wondering if you started hating me or sth yesterday XD


remixied June 18 2010, 15:20:35 UTC
lol I am the worst with that. I can usually find a few minutes to check the flist during the day, but it takes me longer to respond to comments so I have to wait until I get a good amount of free time- which is very rare ;____;

SORRY I AM SO LAAATE DDDDDDD: I will try to be better about responding to comments before they're three weeks old lol

AND OF COURSE I DON'T HATE YOU, you're too cool for that shit lol No worries bby


alwyz_member_me June 20 2010, 07:31:55 UTC
T-T I'm sorry for not commenting as much? I sometimes forget and have to backtrack myself... I'm more on twitter and facebook than LJ nowadays... or if I am on LJ, it's to look at the "-aday" comms for new pictures. =/

I'll try not to spam posts on a day to backdate for previous posts, and use a LJ-cut as often as I can.

I'll be adding you on twitter and MSN then~ ^^;; I spam twitter a lot though.. although I do have my phone with my all the time (my roommate says I'm addicted to internet and I would die without it, which I do agree with the comment)

Twitter: foreverair
MSN: takari_jenruki4evagirl@hotmail.com


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