shadow boxer

Jun 17, 2010 23:54

Going to do a friends cut soon. I post a lot of personal shit and there are quite a few people on my flist that I don't talk to/haven't really gotten on with. I don't need to be watching my back when I post. If you know I'm chill with you then scroll on, but leave a comment if you're concerned and if you want maybe we can figure something out.

I'm in if you are.

Also. Guys. I love you, I really do, but please make use of lj-cuts for entries that require them. I usually have to read my flist in a rush, so it'd be mad helpful if you guys could cut shit and backdate for multiple entries in a day. (I'm getting five posts a day in some cases @___@) That way I can skip over the fandom stuff for later on and I don't miss that entry about a positive pregnancy test or idk world domination by tadpoles. You know, that sorta shit >.>

This is also the part where I let y'all know you're welcome to defriend me whenever you want. I'm not going to hold a grudge or take it personally or start a hate campaign. I'll still wave when I see you around fandom, no hard feelings :D

[EDIT]: OMG YOU GUYS LOL I'M TIGHT WITH MORE THAN HALF OF YOU, A GOOD AMOUNT OF YOU IRL EVEN. If we talk and shit, we're cool. We've all got busy lives so I'm not expecting comments on every single thing I post as a sign of friendship. If we get along fine and exchange a couple comments every so often then that's awesome. I'm more talking about the people on my flist that I've spoken to maybe once, or just stopped talking to altogether, or people who haven't updated anything since friending. SO DON'T WORRY, IF ANYTHING YOU GUYS ARE TOO AWESOME FOR ME ;___;

This does bring up a good point. I don't get a lot of time to hang out on lj, but I do have twitter/MSN up when I'm studying and doing other shit. So that's prolly the best way to get to me. lol But as my buddies in Singapore can tell you, I have redic insomnia so I'm usually awake for them and asleep/at school for my own time zone. But tweets go to my phone (which is surgically attached to me >.>) and there's that offline messaging thing for MSN if there's anything you guys need and I'm not on. Soooooo lol catch me if you can~

remixie[at] (msn)
[at]glitterstains (twitter; tweets are locked, so let me know if you follow me so I can get you back :D)

shoot it in the face, 2ne1 is cooler than i will ever be, just remember darling all the while, jasdfklgh, no shame, nothing takes your place, all in all, har har har, other tags i can't think of rn, non kpop stuff, hey there buddy!, tell me what you want from here, lolwhut?, beware the mongoose, my journal is for porn, i will cut you like third period french, i don't remember half my tags, nonsense!, i have no shame, flist don't kill me plz, well shit son, me bitching to hear myself bitch, no blame, haters to the left, nobody panic, it ain't tricking if you got it, rant, no reason, i am uninteresting, we held gold dust in our hands, remixied is a bitch-lol surprise?, hi haters, shit just got real

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