Falling Apart in Slow Motion (The Brother's Keeper Remix); (HP, Sirius Black, Regulus Black, PG)

Apr 22, 2007 02:17

Title: Falling Apart in Slow Motion (The Brother's Keeper Remix)
Author: luzdeestrellas
Summary: "You're my brother," he says.

Regulus pauses, pressing his lips together. "No, I'm not."

Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Sirius Black, Regulus Black
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own nothing; I'm just playing with them. Really.
Original story: A Marauder's Map, by xylodemon
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character: sirius black, rating: pg, character: regulus black, remix author: luzdeestrellas, original author: xylodemon, fandom: harry potter

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Comments 25

archon_mentha April 26 2007, 18:45:54 UTC
This is so heartbreaking - beautifully written.


laurificus May 3 2007, 17:10:50 UTC
Thank you so much!


melandry April 28 2007, 00:43:00 UTC
Lovely. I especially liked the scene of Regulus's last visit to Sirius.


laurificus May 3 2007, 17:11:24 UTC
Thank you! I'm really pleased you enjoyed it.


(The comment has been removed)

laurificus May 3 2007, 17:12:10 UTC
Thank you! I'm really pleased to hear it.


tipgardner March 15 2012, 21:54:52 UTC
This is an incredible piece of art, loss...brittle crackling despair and tremendous insight. All wrapt in beautiful, beautiful language. Thank you for having written something so shattering and so perfect.


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