Title: The Baroness’ Birthday Summary: Jack wants the Baroness’ jewels. Rating: Language. No smut in this one, sorry. Disclaimer: All Disney’s. I’m just abusing them.
Will is soooo simple to write! Provoke him and he'll explode! That's my formula XD I'm planing a bigger role for him in my next fic. Wait... I shouldn't have said that...
Thank you! Truth is I always think 'Shit! It's crap! Going to post it anyway... At least they can laugh about something, even if it has to be me...' XD But then people read it and say they actually liked it. Makes me so happy! ^o^ "It's a strange phenomenom." like my bro' would say XD Still can't explain it.
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I'm planing a bigger role for him in my next fic. Wait... I shouldn't have said that...
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"It's a strange phenomenom." like my bro' would say XD Still can't explain it.
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