The Baroness’ Birthday - Chapter 3

Nov 27, 2006 00:46

Title: The Baroness’ Birthday
Summary: Jack wants the Baroness’ jewels.
Rating: Language. No smut in this one, sorry.
Disclaimer: All Disney’s. I’m just abusing them.

Chapter 3: Not Exactly According To Plan

“Oh. My. God. This house is enormous! It’s even bigger than the one you used to live in in Port Royal.”
Both, Elizabeth and Will, were syunned as they entered the mansion.
“Look! There are angels painted on the ceiling! Father would have never agreed to paint our house like this...”
“Stop staring at the ceiling and look out for valuable things!”
Jack’s words snapped them out of their bewilderment.
“We need to find the Baroness and then inspect the house.”
“But we don’t even know her. How are me supossed to reconize her?”
Elizabeth was right, only Jack knew what she looked like.
“Henry, my friend, told me she was a bit chubby and dark-blonde haired with a deafening laughter. We will reconize her. You don’t turn 67 every day after all...”
“Jack... I think there are quite some people in their 60’s.”
“Just look for an old hag. I think it’s better if we split up to search for her. You two search her together and I’ll go in that direction.”
Will smiled as he heard that he would go with the beautiful Elizabeth.
“Don’t get all jumpy, blacksmith. She’s just going with you to make sure you don’t say anything stupid.”
He opened his mouth to protest but she interupted him before he could speak.
“He’s right, Will. You tend to blabber out everything when you get nervous.”
“That’s not true!”
“Yes it is, mate. We’ll meet here again in a while if we haven’t found her yet, savvy?”

“It’s been almost a half an hou and we still haven’t found her.”
“Maybe she’s disguised as well and that’s why we can’t find nobody that fits Jack’s description...”
Something was not right. Elizabeth was always excited when they went on a ‘mission’ no matter how small the task for her was. But this time...
“Are you alright, Elizabeth?”
“Hm? Yes. I’m fine. Don’t worry...”
“Don’t lie to me. You’ve been acting strange all day. What’s wrong?”
“It’s this whole thing... I don’t want to rob the Baroness...”
“Then why did you agree to come along?”
“Jack needs me in this one. He also wants some special jewel, which he still hasn’t told me what it is, from her collection... I thought I could convince him to only get that one jewel but once he’s got something on his mind, he doesn’t stop until he gets it.”
“Why is it such a problem for you? It’s not as if it’s the first time you’ve done something like this.”
“I know... And I wouldn’t care doing it but... It’s her birthday! I don’t think I would liked to be robbed, specially not on your birthday!”
“Elizabeth... Come here...” Will hugged her to comfort her when suddenly a loud voice interrupted that moment.
“What was that?!”
They looked into the direction the noise came from and saw Jack talking to an elder woman.
“I think Jack found her.”
“Oh God... That Henry guy was right. Her laughter is horrible!”
Will took her hand and made way to where the pirate was.
“Hahaha! Captain Johnathan! You are way too funny!”
“It’s always a pleasure to make a beautiful woman like you laugh” he said in his best manners ‘Although you almost deafened me...’
”Did she just say Johnathan?”
”That’s Jack’s real name. Just play along and let him do the talking.”
“Ah! Here they are! May I introduce? My beautiful wife, Elizabeth, and her brother, William Turner.”
”Brother?” Will whispered to Jack.
”Do you think I’d introduce YOU as her husband after seeing how you were holding onto her hand? Just play your role. Learn from my WIFE.”
“It’s my pleasure to meet you, Baroness. The bests of luck for your birthday.”
“Why, thank you Mrs. Smith! Your husband did not exagerate while describing your beauty.”
“Thank you, Baroness. Please, call me Elizabeth. It’s been so long since I’ve talked to a lady that I already feel that we’ll be good friends.”
“Then it will be Elizabeth. You can also call me Lucile. I still can’t imagine how you can endure such a long time at sea without any female company! Although, I must admit that I wouldn’t mind the company of such fine men as your companions.”
“Oh, no, Lucile. I really enjoy the sea. my father always joked about me being half human and half mermaid!”
All three fought not to bring their hands to their ears to stop that unbearable noise from crushing their timpers.
“Elizabeth, dear! You sure are funny!”
”Didn’t she just say that to you?”
”Even you could impress her with your smithie jokes. You should try it.”
“It’s the truth, Baroness. Father always knew that Elizabeth would marry a man of the sea. And what better choise could she make as marry a Captain so she could sail with him?”
“Mr. Turner! Please! Call me by my name! It’s a shame to hear such a handsome man like you are calling me Baroness. It makes me feel older than I already am!”
“As you wish, Lucile. And please don’t worry about your age, you still look like a flower in her blooming days.”
Elizabeth and Jack were shocked.
”Did he ever tell you something like this?”
”Never. I didn’t even know he could be so charming...
”Maybe we just underestimated him....
“Oh, William! Such charming words! You are going to make this lady blush!”
Will smiled in victory when he saw Jack’s incredulous face. Will had just managed to woo the Baroness with only those few words. He had to do something before the eunich gathered all her attention for himself. Nobody robs Captain Jack Sparrow his ‘Wooing Throne’ and specially not the whelp!
“Dear Lucile! How embarrassing! I totally forgot to give you your birthday present! Let me see...” He reached into his pocket toget the box but it was missing. “Wait... where did I put it?” He continued searching in his other pockets.
“Honey, are you sure you put it there?”
“Of course! When was the first time I lost something?”
“Ahh, Lucile... Please excuse my brother-in-law. He tends to forget where he puts some things. He already forgot he gave your present to me so he wouldn’t lose it.”
He handed her her present.
“Bwahahahaahaa!! William you are way too funny!”
‘You bastard!! You stole it from me!’
“Honey, calm down...”
“I hope you don’t forget anything that has to do with your duties, Captain! Bwahahaha!”
“Yes. Father was always preocupied because of that. That’s why he send me with Elizabeth on that ship, so I could take care of her.” He grinned deviously at Jack.
“Really, Captain Smith! You should be carefull with your memory! When you reach my age you won’t be able to remember even your own name!”
This brought Jack’s blood to boil.
“Jack!” Elizabeth tugged him “Don’t take it serious, honey! You know they are just joking. Please calm down or you’ll ruin everything...”
“Oh! William! What a beautiful necklace!”
Will turned to look at it and was shocked as he saw it.
“WHAT?!” He screamed scaring all three of them. “Sorry, I just forgot how beautiful it was. It even matches your dress.”
This time it was Jack’s turn to smirk wich caused Will to give him a murderous look.
“What is it, Jack?”
“That his necklace.”
“Would you mind putting it on me, William?”
“O-of course not...”
‘Eat that Turner!’
‘You bloody bastard!’
“Thank you. Will, would you mind being my companion for the rest of the night?”
“I-I don’t... know. Why?” ‘Besides, I need to kill that fucking pirate!’
“It would be so pleasing to have such a fine man acompany me on this special night.”
“Go on, Will. Jack and I will just enjoy ourselves on the dancefloor.”
“She’s absolutely right! Let them both have some time together! Couples need some time for themselves every now and then.”
“Yes, Will. Listen to Lucile. After all it’s her birthday.” ‘And you need to recover that necklace somehow.’ Jack smirked.
“Alright then. You both have fun.” ‘I hate you! You did this on purpose!’
“Well, then it’s settled! See you later, dear guests! And please enjoy your stay in my house! Come, William! Let me show you around!”
“Let’s get to work, Lizzie!”
"This is not exactly according to plan..."
- - - - - - - - - -

A/N: Poor Will... you don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into... But we do!! XD
Sorry, I know it’s short but I have a real hard time writing it! Everytime I’m inspired I’m not at home and when I get home I don’t know how to start...*frustrated*
But don’t worry! We’re getting to the best part! And I really hope Jack will play along to write the smut! I have all in mind, I just need Jack to help me write it down!
I hope you’re enjoying it anyway XD


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