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Floe | Simoun | 1/? mizure April 30 2011, 04:58:26 UTC
( fandom student application )

PLAYER: Mizure
AGE: 20
CONTACT: AIM: m1zure

NAME: Floe Sibyll
CANON: Simoun
AGE: 16
GENDER: Physically female, enrolled and presenting as such/mentally male(?) with intent to play it out
YEAR IN SCHOOL: HS2 (11th grade)
ENROLLMENT: Wealthy family who spoil their baby girl rotten


Floe | Simoun | 2/? page claimed in the name of last minute apps mizure April 30 2011, 05:00:55 UTC
APPEARANCE: Am I kawaii? Uguu~
Just shy of 5 feet, Floe is a short, round-faced, super cutesy looking girl with bright blue eyes and long, bright orange hair that's just as bubbly as she is (seriously, look at this stuff). She typically wears her hair mostly down with two little pigtails on top tied with pink ribbons. She almost exclusively wears the girl's uniform. When not in uniform, she likes what she considers cool and comfortable clothes; midriff baring tops with jeans, dresses with tights. She's somewhat trendy but not overly concerned with fashion.
PERSONALITY: At first glance, Floe seems to be your typical, overly cheerful girl. At second glance, however...well, she's still your typical overly cheerful girl. Sure, if you dig reeeal deep down you'll find a few stray insecurities, but for the most part what you see is what you get. Floe is bubbly and cute, and there's not much else to it. At best, she's optimistic and outgoing. At worst, she's obnoxious and loud. But no matter what, Floe doesn't care a bit what you think of her ( ... )


Floe | Simoun | 3/? mizure April 30 2011, 05:04:35 UTC
PERSONALITY cont'd: Remember those "few stray insecurities"? About those. There's basically two things that can make Floe uncomfortable. The first one is her country and the war its currently embroiled in. Floe has been raised to be as patriotic as everyone else- and she is! But she hates the war that her nation is in, and she hates the idea of fighting and killing. But she brushes it off by reminding herself that if they don't fight to defend themselves, people will die. For the most part though, she just doesn't think about it at all. She's got more important things to worry about. Like what she's going to wear today. Or whether that cute guy in her class likes her. Or whether she's really as comfortable with herself - and her body - as she acts. That's the second thing ( ... )


Floe | Simoun | 4/5 mizure April 30 2011, 05:05:23 UTC
AU HISTORY: Tucked away in the Mediterranean, there exist two tiny and totally fictional countries: the coastal nation of Simulacrum and the archipelago of Argentum. For most of their history, these two have managed to stay almost entirely out of world affairs; both fiercely independent and stubborn, and both so small that even the relatively minimal effort of trying to beat them into submission was never quite worth it. So while on a global scale the two nations had things covered, there was always one thorn in both their sides: each other ( ... )


Floe | Simoun | 5/5 mizure April 30 2011, 05:09:20 UTC
INTRANET/1ST PERSON SAMPLE: Geez, what's up with all the extra homework lately? It's the end of the semester, shouldn't it be getting easier instead of harder? It's so dumb! All these tests are making my brain hurt. I shouldn't have to deal with this kind of effort. Blegh...

Oh, oh! But more importantly! Everybody remembers that the dance is next week, right? It's gonna be so great, I can't wait! So, who wants to be my date~? Lame people need not apply!

LOG/3RD PERSON SAMPLE: It was a gorgeous spring day outside. The perfect day, in fact. The sun was shining brightly, but the heat was not too intense, and there was a gentle breeze that made the branches of trees and the tips of the grass sway in its wake. It was absolutely lovely, and Floe was miserable ( ... )


Application Accepted! reimsadmin April 30 2011, 09:31:25 UTC
Congratulations! Your application has been accepted. Please respond with your character's journal name. Once you've completed that, please join reimsacademy, reimsactivities, reimsassembly and, optionally, reimsantics.

Also, please comment to the Taken List by Canon and Student/Faculty Directory. Check out your Room Assignments and please visit the Official History-Making Meme to establish existing CR should your character not be a new transfer. Please consider introducing yourself in the OOC community!

We appreciate your effort and look forward to role-playing with you!


Re: Application Accepted! love_seriously April 30 2011, 11:06:53 UTC
yessss ♥


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