CHARACTERS: Haru Zheng and Vanyel Ashkevron LOCATION/SETTING: The Art Studio and the Music Room DATE & TIME: 6/26 9:30pm WARNINGS: Nothing I can think of SUMMARY: Haru hears music while he's sculpting and investigates!
Vanyel knew it was a little bit late to be in the music studio, but he didn't want anyone around when he practiced. It let him relax into the music and concentrate on his practice instead of being paranoid that someone around him would hear and tell his father.
He didn't notice the door open wider, letting more light into the room, and Haru's voice took him totally b surprise. He broke off in the middle of his piece and barely stifled a startled yelp. "W-what do you want?"
That in drawn breath didn't go unnoticed and Haru winced. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He stepped into the room and offered the guy a smile- which with the light behind him probably couldn't be seen.
"I was in the Art Studio working and I heard someone playing. You're really good, you know?"
"Way to give me a heart attack," Van muttered under his breath, then slid the sheet music he'd been using off the rack. His mind was working fast, trying to come up with a good lie for why there was music coming out of the studio.
"That... wasn't me. But I'll tell her you said thanks."
Comments 8
He didn't notice the door open wider, letting more light into the room, and Haru's voice took him totally b surprise. He broke off in the middle of his piece and barely stifled a startled yelp. "W-what do you want?"
"I was in the Art Studio working and I heard someone playing. You're really good, you know?"
"That... wasn't me. But I'll tell her you said thanks."
He walked over and leaned on the piano. "Are you in here this late a lot?"
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