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May 06, 2011 00:17

CHARACTERS: Alfred F. Jones, Matthew Williams, and whatever poor souls they encounter.
LOCATION/SETTING: Outside the cafeteria
DATE & TIME: Cinco de Mayo, just before lunch.
WARNINGS: all of them. no, not really, none.
SUMMARY: The problem with dressing two brothers who could pass as twins in matching uniforms: it's very hard to tell them apart. ( Read more... )

matthew williams, marisa kirisame, alfred f. jones, yong soo im, marianne-sophie bonnefois

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Comments 45

maplebro May 6 2011, 04:43:24 UTC
Matthew, for his part, was doing a good job of being polite. While he loved his brother very much, sometimes he couldn't help but find Alfred to be the most irritating brother on the planet. He wasn't sure if it was because they were brothers or because Alfred really was the most irritating person on the planet, but either way it made for some troubles in their loving familial relationship.

Though today wasn't so bad yet. At least Alfred wasn't insulting Matthew's favorite foods, or talking about how the French were so lame. Maybe it would be a good day for them after all.

What Alfred said was a bit odd, though. It seemed to have come out of nowhere, and it left Matthew confused as to why Alfred would think of it. "Why," he asked, "I know you're new here, but I don't think you'll need a nametag. The school isn't that big."


libertyfuckyeah May 6 2011, 04:55:35 UTC
Oh, if only Matt knew the thoughts that Alfred gathers. Don't worry bro, he loves ya too. Mostly. ...You're so much easier to love when it's just the two of them hanging out! Okay yeah that's an appropriate response.

He manages to momentarily forget the train of thought he was violently driving into everything he considers French. Finally turning to actually look Matt in the eye, Alfred continues to fidget uncomfortably.

"Yeah, but," he starts, sighs, somehow gets whinier, "someone thought I was you yesterday! C'mon, we don't look that much alike."

As though to affirm this, his eyes flit across Matt's face, searching for every difference he could find between his own and his brother's. There is disappointingly little.


maplebro May 6 2011, 05:47:37 UTC
But their eyes are different colors, and Matthew's hair is curlier. Also that lone curl that sticks out is super-curly and way cuter than the cowlick on top of Alfred's head. That should totally be enough differences, right?

But Matthew can see how people can mistake them for each other. It happens to him all the time. Somehow he is almost happy that someone mistook Alfred for him for once. "Well, I've been here longer," Matthew said, "If course they're going to mistake you for me, I've practically grown up with some of the students here."

He doesn't mean to make it sound cruel, but it's the truth. This is year 4 for him. And he might still like the fact that he's the recognized one here.


libertyfuckyeah May 6 2011, 06:03:50 UTC
Um excuse me, the cowlick is plenty cute. It makes him look like a cowboy, somehow, in some manly way. And it doesn't get caught in doors like Matt's could!!!! Multiple exclamation points wins an argument. You're welcome, every debate team ever.

That information isn't comforting at all for Alfred. In fact, it's the exact opposite. It's bad enough that most of his home life consists of being overshadowed by Matthew. Damned if he's going to let the same happen in his school life.

But, he reminds himself, because apparently Alfred is getting increasingly fond of having inner monologues, it's not heroic to let that little flame of jealous ignite into blaze of fury. That'll just consume you, bro.

He also apparently calls himself 'bro' in his own mind. Okay. Moving on.

Alfred sighs and manages a smile. "I guess. I'll just have to try harder to get everyone to know me too!"


motorbrute May 6 2011, 04:56:18 UTC
Tatsumi usually walked about with a smile or a smirk upon his face. However, there was nothing happy about his face as his eyes scanned the hallway, bushy eyebrows nearly touching one another from anger. Without a second thought, he quickly began closing in on the two blonds while his fist tightened around his bright blue iphone.

With his free hand, Tatsumi grabs Matthew from behind and pulls him back to meet face to face with the most intense glare Tatsumi's hazel eyes could form.

"Stop bloody texting me! How the hell did you even get my number in the first place, Douche-bag?!"

Blinded by rage, he hadn't noticed his Japanese accent was bleeding through nor that he had grabbed the wrong person. He just wanted answers and quickly.


libertyfuckyeah May 6 2011, 05:21:23 UTC

No. No he doesn't. And he won't until things take a violent turn. Instead, he waves happily at his new-found friend while poor Matt is manhandled in a terrible case of mistaken identity. So it begins.

"Hey Suzuki!" Yes, he finds people sharing a last name with automobile corporations to be hilarious. Now if only the car names made by Suzuki had catchy names. Sooner or later he'll go back to using 'Tatsumi', but today is a day where he inherently pisses everyone off.

It doesn't help his case when he snickers, "Hee! You said 'bloody!' All British and stuff. Except you don't have an accent like Allen's. Huh!"

Let's make even worse. Let's have him try to impersonate an English accent and fail miserably. "Bloody hell, some sodding git made me drop my scone! I'm a wizard! Pip pip!"


maplebro May 6 2011, 05:51:33 UTC
Matthew, unlike Alfred, is not amused by this situation at all. He is fucking terrified. It's all he can do to keep from screaming in terror, though his scream would probably be about as loud as a normal person talking.

"I don't have your number," he managed to squeak out, "I don't even know who you are!"

Matthew tries to sideways-glance over to Alfred with a very distinct 'oh god please help me' look on his face. Because Alfred seems to know what's going on here and he really doesn't want to get beat up.


motorbrute May 6 2011, 06:02:45 UTC
Wait a second. This person in his grasp was giving a face all too satisfying. Something... wasn't right.

Hearing his last name, Tatsumi's attention is pulled from Matthew to Alfred almost instantly. Much to his own surprise, he does a double-take between the two brothers but doesn't letting go of Matthew just yet. Tatsumi's teeth clamp down against one another as he realizes he slipped and said something very English, and with his Japanese accent too.

What really topped it off was how Alfred continued to mocking him, making the fire inside grow. Unfortunately, Matthew was still in the hothead's hand which meant that when Tatsumi goes to thrust his fist towards Alfred, Matthew went as well, slamming the nearly-twins into one another and hopefully backwards into a wall.

"Shut up!" His voice wasn't very loud but the force behind it could have put a hole through the wall.


mansae_da_ze May 6 2011, 05:01:53 UTC
Kimchi. It had to be somewhere on campus, right? And what better place to check than the cafeteria? Well, of course he was familiar with it.. but maybe new stuff was added since he left for break!

He noticed the two blondes in front of said building as he approached, grinning and waving. "Nametags? That's a good idea!" Might help minimize pronounciation fails, really, his name isn't that hard..


libertyfuckyeah May 6 2011, 05:38:40 UTC
Alfred would totally help Yong Soo's quest for Kimchi if he knew what the hell that was. It isn't a burger, isn't a Runza, and it isn't corn. It is simply outside the realm of this Nebraskan boy's food list.

By some paradox of space and time and the power of inconsistently, somehow Alfred hasn't had his face broken in by Tatsumi yet. Roll with it. "Yeah! Then everyone would know who I am, and they'd be like 'hi Alfred!' without me having to even introduce myself! And no one would mistake me for Matt! Ever!"


maplebro May 6 2011, 05:54:40 UTC
Oh god. Two very similar, equally extroverted people were within the same general area, and they were talking with each other. Matthew could tell that they would just get in a positive feedback loop and end up racing each other around campus or something equally ridiculous. But saying anything about it would be rude, and Matthew wasn't a rude person, so he just smiled and said, "You think so too? Perhaps it could be useful, then."

It was better to just agree with them then say anything else. It was bad enough disagreeing with one person, and it became impossible to do with two.


mansae_da_ze May 7 2011, 04:39:44 UTC
Soon, everyone would know what kimchi was. It would be a quest. Of course by 'quest' he would just harass everyone until someone obtained some for him, and even then it wouldn't be good enough. Endless loops are endless.

Inconsistencies! Well does it matter. Some people end up standing outside of a student's center for hours with no idea of how much time has passed or how many classes were missed. And considering how easily distracted Yong Soo was, he had no qualms with pausing to BS and/or procrastinate a bit.

"People get you confused?" That definitely pinged Yong Soo, considering how much he's harassed been around Matthew for the past semester. Plus, Asians have this amazing power of everything perception. That and all North Americans looked the same anyway "That is strange, you don't look very much alike.."

Then again he sometimes got confused for his older brother.


growingupviking May 6 2011, 06:12:14 UTC
Hiccup is heading toward delicious lunchings when he spots Matthew, whom he knows, and someone who looks almost exactly like him, whom he does not know.

That's really weird.

After a moment's hesitation, he approaches.

"Hi Matt," he begins, addressing who he really hopes is Matt, because getting closer doesn't seem to be helping him discern much better.


libertyfuckyeah May 6 2011, 06:22:56 UTC



Somehow, Alfred manages to not make a face at being mistaken for his brother again. This is a remarkable feat. Instead he stands stock-still for a moment, engaging in fantasies of being the most popular guy at Reims-- no. In all of France. Sarkozy wouldn't have shit on him.

Finally he regains his usual bright grin, jutting out a hand to this new person who is friends with Matthew and therefore must be friends with Alfred.

"Hi, I'm Alfred!"


maplebro May 6 2011, 06:37:51 UTC
Matthew was about to cheerfully greet Hiccup, and he had even opened his mouth to speak, but then Alfred interrupts and speaks for him. Well, it's not that uncommon, Matthew is used to it by now. Alfred just likes talking that much. So he waits a moment, and then he says, "Hi Hiccup. This is my brother, Alfred."

Though he's sure Hiccup knows Alfred's name by now, saying the family connection would probably help the next possible question about why they looked so much alike.

And dream on, Al, Hiccup is totally Matty's friend and not yours, so there.


growingupviking May 6 2011, 06:49:32 UTC

That one is Matt and that one is... Alfred? Okay. Hiccup can get this. He smiles a little nervously and tentatively shakes Alfred's hand. "Hi Alfred, I'm Hiccup. So... you're Matt's brother?" Well. That explains the... nearly identical part.

He glances over at Matt and smiles a little apologetically as he continues. "I take it you just transferred?"


Supposed to be on hiatus but sitting in this post now. a_digital_witch May 6 2011, 12:30:31 UTC
Marisa was sitting on the edge of the brick half-wall just outside the cafeteria. Legs crossed so she didn't show off any goods aside from a bit of thigh, she had her laptop out and was working on something important. Or that's what she was supposed to be doing.

But no, a pair of gold eyes were watching the two brothers walking along over the top of her screen. It was hard to tell exactly which one she was looking at given the distance between them, but a glance her way would net the brothers proof that a girl was checking them out.


likewise sob BUT HI <3 libertyfuckyeah May 7 2011, 07:34:35 UTC
In many respects, Alfred is utterly oblivious to the world around him. How much is intentional and how much is genuine is up to speculation. But, though he may be one of the most unobservant people on the planet, he's not utterly blind. It takes him a while to notice Marisa (and to stop running his mouth at Matthew about utterly stupid ideas) but, when he does, he grins. This is normal for a guy who just caught a girl (a cute girl, Alfred notes) looking at him. What isn't normal is the proceeding response: drop whatever conversation he was having with Matthew, wave enthusiastically, and call out, "Hey there!"

This is strange.

No, really. If some stranger greets a random person on the street like this, that person is going to avoid eye contact and hurry away as quickly as possible. Now, Alfred might be able to justify it with 'oh she was looking at me, I was only being friendly instead of awkwardly pretending I didn't catch her looking at me', but even that's a stretch.


a_digital_witch May 12 2011, 08:19:47 UTC
Marisa blinked at the very direct greeting, a bit surprised at the response, but then smiled as it was the one she'd been looking at that waved. If Marisa wasn't a bit interested or she wasn't who she was, she might have tried to ignore the reaction, but not the Digital Witch.

Instead she toyed a bit with the end of her braid. "Hey," she replied, her accent marking her as being far more Japanese than she looked, being blonde and all, "I think you should come over here and talk to me, ze."


libertyfuckyeah May 14 2011, 02:23:26 UTC
"Okay!" he says, more or less abandoning his brother to go do... whatever. Sorry, Matthew. He'll make it up to you later (maybe). Besides, Alfred agrees that it would be a good idea to go and talk to the girl too.

He walks over, then sort of just stands there in front of her, trying to figure out if he should sit on the floor next to her or just keep awkwardly standing there. Alfred settles for leaning against the wall next to her.

"So, uh," he starts. The next words he thinks of are 'you were staring at me,' but somehow that doesn't feel like the best way to introduce himself. Instead he smiles. "My name's Alfred! What's yours?"


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