( OPEN )

May 06, 2011 00:17

CHARACTERS: Alfred F. Jones, Matthew Williams, and whatever poor souls they encounter.
LOCATION/SETTING: Outside the cafeteria
DATE & TIME: Cinco de Mayo, just before lunch.
WARNINGS: all of them. no, not really, none.
SUMMARY: The problem with dressing two brothers who could pass as twins in matching uniforms: it's very hard to tell them apart. Not an ideal situation for either of them.

This log will start as any log should start: listing the most grievous faults of the French nation.

For one, Alfred would like to note, they're French. That should be illegal. Really, why didn't they think to fix that in the 1789 revolution? Inalienable rights are nice and all (and SOMETHING YOU TOTALLY COPIED OFF OF AMERICA, WHAT, YOU DIDN'T THINK ANYONE WOULD NOTICE??) but that hardly solves the issue that they speak a silly language and behave in weird ways and he has to wear a freaking uniform and...

Cutting off that train of thought before it gets too personal. Luckily he says none of these out loud to Matthew. He may be a loud mouth, but he doesn't have a death wish. And anyway, his qualms with the French have little to do with the situation at hand other than the fact that the French produced his look-alike. His half-brother. Brother. Brother that looks like his twin and people assume they're twins, or worse, the assume Alfred is Matthew.

Al will quickly amend that.

He fiddles with his shirt, frowning as he speaks to his bro. "You think they'll let me wear a sign or a button or something? Like hey, it's me, Alfred!"

matthew williams, marisa kirisame, alfred f. jones, yong soo im, marianne-sophie bonnefois

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