Man, Sylvia and her douche bag band are so fucking shitty. Sylvia, if you ever see're a fucking cunt rag who can't sing to save your own damn life.
DAMN! This week's been awesome...well, the past two days have been awesome. Yesterday, Amanda and I went and jammed at Cory's house which was awesome cause you know, we were looking for a drummer anyway. Too bad, Dav-id had to work
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I hate chicks...I know this doesn't sound right but god, I don't understand women. I don't know what the hell I'm doing in this relationship...maybe it was the wrong thing to do. Maybe I should have left things the way it should have been then maybe I wouldn't be in this mess.
Bleh, I'm looking for a new job right now so if people know where places are hiring, help me get a job god damn it. I prefer nothing related to the food industry. Anyway, I am currently unemployed which is always woot-woot fun.
Okay, I never said people couldn't have their own damn opinions but damn it, when it's trying to hook someone up with someone else while they're with someone pisses me off. Can people not understand that's the reason why I hate them so much? God, so fucking dumb.
I hate every last one of these dumb fucks that walk around every fucking day that think that they know everything and know what's best for people. FUCK ALL OF YOU
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