Knowledge of Dead Secrets | Sam/OMC/OFC, Sam/Dean | NC-17

Mar 04, 2007 20:00

Author: rei_c
Title: Knowledge of Dead Secrets
Pairings: Sam/OMC/OFC, mentions of Sam/OMC, Sam/Dean (incest)
Rating: NC-17
Total Word Count: 54,500

Summary: Dean goes to pick Sam up from Stanford and ends up finding more than he bargained for.

Warnings: General spoilers up through 2x10. AU. Incest. Drug use. Drunkenness. Threesomes. Murder. Rimming. Felching. Dub-con. Public sex. Tattoos. Language. Angst and idiocy.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, and any (and all) errors relative to vodou, hoodoo, French, Creole, geography, and/or canon spoken of herein are mine and mine alone.

Author's Notes: The title is taken from T.S. Eliot's Four Quartets, specifically "East Coker." I'm also heavily in debt to William Gibson's Sprawl Trilogy, most specifically Mona Lisa Overdrive. More thanks than I know how to give to everyone who’s been cheerleading me on--you know who you are, and this couldn't have been written without your encouragement. This is the fifth story of a planned five in the Five Districts, Five Drugs series, and follows the same general timeline and events as the other(s).

Posting schedule: this fic is complete. It will be posted in parts over the course of the next few days. All sections have been posted.

[ Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten ]

[ Now also in amazing podcast form, read by rhea314 ]

fic, 5d5d

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