2012 | In Retrospect...

Jan 03, 2013 15:03

What I wanted to do was a massive progression post from when I started this community to now, and that may still come in the future. For now, however, you just get a look back at 2012 with a few comments and a handful of my personal favorite icons from 2012. I stole the template from rocketgirl2 who has put them up for grabs here, if you're interested.

I hang on every word you say. )


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Comments 15

rocketgirl2 January 3 2013, 04:59:53 UTC
YOU CHANGED YOUR DEFAULT TO A DEATH NOTE ICON I LOVE IT. also it is taunting me. I need to go through those caps sometime...

erm right I actually came here to comment on your post? Basically your icons have changed so much this year and I love watching your progression as you play around with textures until you figure out how to best tame them and use them to their best effect. Your icons look so wonderfully clean by the end of the year coloring-wise, and I know you always thought coloring was your weakness (which honestly? It was still super good) but now hopefully you don't any more because it is wonderful! Also I do not remember providing you with that cap but I think I sent you a random .zip of caps once, so it must have been in there and I AM GLAD IT WORKED FOR YOU! ♥

Oh, and my vote's totally with October because hnnnng that SPN batch you put out then.
HAPPY 2013! I bet your year is going to be another wonderful one.


absolutelybatty January 4 2013, 04:01:27 UTC
I DID CHANGE IT TO A DEATH NOTE ICON. I COULD NOT RESIST. Yes, please do. That way we'll have lots of pretty caps for that battle we're going to do eventually.You know, when I started, I figured I wouldn't see that much change, you know? But you are so right! I am pretty pleased with my coloring now, or at least, I've come to terms with it. I dunno. It is less the finished product that bothered me (because I wouldn't post them if they were hideous), and more the fact that, when I was in photoshop, I felt as though my skills when it came to coloring and coloring tools were severely lacking. So I think I'd still like to brush up on things in that area, but I kind of, by following certain threads and conversations, realized that the tools that I find second nature/super easy to use when coloring, other people haven't even heard of sometimes. So...I color the way I do, and that's cool. WHICH IS PROBABLY A LONGER STORY THAN YOU WANTED. SORRY. D ( ... )


rocketgirl2 January 4 2013, 19:32:00 UTC
I STILL NEED A DEATH NOTE ICON SO I CAN MATCH THAT AWESOMENESS. So clearly I should go through caps so we can battle and then you can make pretty icons. Good point.Ahaha, no, that totally makes sense, though! Seeing other people's .psd always blows me away with the way they operate in PS, and I've tried in the past to ~change what I do and use the tools that other people are using, but I always just sort of gravitate back to my original coloring style. I think I've learned more about other tools in PS that can be used for coloring, but I'm still more comfortable with the way I do things and I feel like I can do pretty much anything I need to with the setup I use, so there's no need to fret about changing the way I color, right ( ... )


tinebrella January 3 2013, 11:44:32 UTC
You missed a few favourites of mine, I hope you don't mind me adding some gorgeous jewels to this beautiful recollection of icons! <3

... )


absolutelybatty January 4 2013, 03:55:32 UTC
I DO NOT MIND YOU ADDING MORE STUFF. A few of those are favorites of mine as well. That Caroline color explosion icon, for instance. I tried to limit myself which is why there are definitely several other favorites missing from the post, alas! I was pleasantly surprised, going through the entries, at how many icons jumped out to me and went 'YOU LIKE ME. YOU REALLY LIKE ME!'. It was a good feeling.


Nooooooooooo. Val. You can't even tell what's going on in the icon, and the text is actually the worst thing ever. I am ashamed to have posted it, and if I had known that I could get away with not doing all the caps in that battle, I never would have allowed it to see the light of day.


spittingfish January 3 2013, 15:14:43 UTC
I love that Buffy icon, btw. I thought it was much better well done than the Amelia one (not that that was bad). The text serves a purpose, especially for fans of the show.

... )


absolutelybatty January 4 2013, 03:50:38 UTC
Okay. I kind of had to get up and do a little dance in my room after I read this comment, as dorky as that sounds. I mean, there are a lot of reasons of my list of why you are awesome and the fact that you just get it is definitely one of the highest reasons on my list. That is EXACTLY, like exactly, why I did the text on the staying alive icon that way.

So, yes, to say that this comment filled me with warm, fuzzy feelings is a bit of an understatement. You are ridiculously sweet, you know that? THANK YOU.



spittingfish January 5 2013, 16:22:19 UTC
I KNEW IT WAS. Okay, I didn't. But that's definitely the vibe I got off of it. "You didn't know I was insane?"

... )


ace_of_spades6 January 3 2013, 20:56:29 UTC
UGH BEAUTIFUL EVERYTHING, gosh just ugh inspirational everything and just yeah, love everything you make and you have improved, but it's all so beautiful I can't even tell. ♥♥♥


absolutelybatty January 4 2013, 03:51:39 UTC
Oh, you. ♥ You are very sweet, bb. Thank you!
Are you going to put up a progression post yourself? I think it would be interesting to see!


ace_of_spades6 January 4 2013, 20:46:08 UTC
Pfft I just tell the truth my darling ♥♥ but you are welcome indeed.
I was thinking about it, but I will only have from like..May til December, and I didn't post every month. So I don't think it would be that interesting, but I might post it today, YOU BETTER BE ALL LONG COMMENTS AND STUFF. ;) ♥


val_valerie January 4 2013, 00:33:15 UTC
Amazing progress sam! i hope you'll carry on improving even more in 2013 :3
and i totally agree with you, you should be very proud of this icon, it's gorgeous!
and for me, september was full of text inspiration from you, and for october there was probably one of my favorite icon posts of yours ever so for me october > september.


absolutelybatty January 4 2013, 03:52:42 UTC
October seems to be getting the most votes, I think! And thank you so much! I am glad I am not the only one who liked that Stiles icon. I hope 2013 is fabulous for you as well, lovely! ♥


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